Lansing Michigan

avatar for bvino
I am going to Lansing on the 14th and I would like opinions form the faithful. I have been to Omars with it's whiff of sin but no real stink. Is there anything better? or is that the best of the lot. You can weigh in here or P.M. Thanks in advance.


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avatar for Electronman
11 years ago
Rent a car and drive to Detroit--- really! It will be time well invested when compared to the Lansing scene.

Check the reviews of the Detroit area clubs for details. My current favorite is Players Lounge on 8 Mile but there are lots of other options.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
I know the Detroit area clubs well and I thank you for the response. I am specifically looking for info on Lansing clubs. I know there are not many but any recent intel would be helpful.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Been clubbing in Lansing for 25 years. Pretty bleak at the moment.

Omar's was once the place. Haven't been there recently but from reports on other sites, it's gotten expensive and the closely watched. Not a lotta fun. OTC can be had if you are a regular.

Centerfolds, (formerly Cheetahs) is ghetto. Unless you like them old, fat and ugly, stay away. Some of the daytime black girls might be want you want. And OTC available but frankly I have much, much higher standards.

That leaves corporate Deja Vu. Pretty girls. Fully nude. No booze. Old guys during the day. Young guys at night. Cameras in the VIP so it's not Detroit. But if you don't mind a standard lapper with groping, there are nice looking girls.
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
Don't really know what you're looking for. Motorhead gave a pretty good analysis but the advice to go to Detroit area is spot on. Centerfolds offers the best chance for high mileage but it is pretty depressing. The extra $5 per dance that you'll pay might go pretty far toward a rental car for the trip to the D.
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
By the way, I'll be in Lansing on the 14th too but you can bet your life I won't be wasting any time or $$ on Lansing SCs.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
Thank you Motorhead for confirming what I already thought. I am leaving from the Detroit area so going there is hardly an option on this trip. I will not take that bet from Otto22 as I would hate to die just because he got curious.
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