
Gum Wrappers is a 10 . . .

Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:43 AM
I haven't actually visited this club, but then again I have a hell of a lot more knowledge about this club than "Club Reviewer 2" who never even visited this club or any other Florida clubs. The reviewer is a fake and the founder might wish to take notice. First off, my main knowledge about this club had come from my dancer buddies who now work at Angels or did work at Angels--my favorite club. But, I didn't just wish to rely on hearsay from dancers. I wanted to learn about this club from the source without wasting my time or money. After all I'm getting high two-way contact dances at Angels for FIVE DOLLARS and that is difficult to beat. Still, I had a strong interest in Gum Wrappers because of an ad that showed super model type black dancers (Sugar Daddy's is another club I asked about at the same time). And, if that is the case I'm willing to make the drive. Well, according to a couple of dancer buddies from Angels who have actually worked at this club I would have been one very unhappy person if I made the drive. So I didn't make the drive. Then I notice a review essentially devoid of any meaningful information by "Club Reviewer 2." It is devoid of information because he never visited this club or Angels or any other Florida clubs. My dancer buddies said the reason I wouldn't like Gum Wrappers is because 1) There is NO contact allowed, 2) The dancers are NOT nude, 3) The dancers are white, and 4) The price is more than double what I'm currently paying. IOW, this is horrible deal for anyone who likes nude dancers, who likes contact, who likes low prices, who likes super model type black dancers. I wasn't about to write a review and just rely on my dancer buddies at Angels although these women are the greatest. I called Gum Wrappers and spoke with management. And, management was extremely helpful and friendly. Here is what management had to say: 1. THERE IS *NO* NUDITY. THIS IS A BIKINI CLUB. 2. THERE IS *NO* CONTACT ALLOWED. 3. THE DANCERS ARE MAINLY WHITE, BUT THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION. 4. DANCES ARE TEN DOLLARS AND TWENTY DOLLARS. THE TWENTY DOLLARS IS FOR A PRIVATE ROOM, BUT THE RULES ARE EXACTLY THE SAME IN PRIVATE THE AREAS AND THE RULES ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED. HE EMPHASIZED STRICTLY ENFORCED A FEW TIMES BECAUSE HE SAID HE DIDN'T WANT ME TO BE DISAPPOINTED. THERE IS *NO* TOLERANCE FOR CONTACT. Why did I give this club such a high rating? Partly because the person I spoke with was so helpful and pleasant. Also, more importantly some customers prefer NOT to see nude dancers. Some customers prefer to have NO contact. Some customers prefer to pay more. Some customers prefer white dancers. And, all of those preferences are fine. "Club Reviewer 2" is just a fraud and a liar who was upset that I dared to repeatedly give a very inexpensive high contact black club ratings of 10. So he posted a fraudulent review and then more fraudulent reviews to try and cover his tracks. I have no problem with any reviewer trashing Angels. It is a legitimate 1 for some customers. It is a legitimate 10 for other customers. I believe all the reviews to date 05/07/2005 of Angels are true honest reviews EXCEPT for 2 of the reviews. Yes, I think rioboys rating of 1 was a true and honest review. It was just the last 2 reviewers who gave ratings of 1 and 3 respectively who were the frauds who never even visited the club. Visit the club and then bash it if you like for whatever reasons you like. I will continue to rate Angels a 10, until it no longer deserves that rating. Like if they raise prices above FIVE DOLLARS. I hope the founder reads this review and takes whatever action he thinks is appropriate including banning me or banning the other reviewers or whatever including nothing. This is HIS site and HE makes the rules for the most part. End of rant. :)


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