Have you ever desired someone so much you want to have kids with them? Hopefully that was your wife and not some stripper.
People change after kids are introduced into a relationship so it's possible your desires change too. Maybe you met your wife in your 20s and she was hot. Now you're in your 40s and after daily life a few kids, the effects of age, and although your wife may still be attractive she doesn't look like she did when she was in her 20s. she may have never looked as good as that 23 year old stripper you want to bang at your local club. Therefore your desires can change and you mature as well as being exposed to new things.
My desires have changed as I've aged it's inevitable.
At first they are the same. you are into hot sex with your wife and then the kids appear and the sex gets a little less interesting. And then the kids start growing up and your life gets crazy busy and your wife starts buying sex for midlife self help books and she starts bitching because you are not down licking her pussy right finally you are sleeping in separate beds and she just doesn't look good to you any more. so you go to a club and have a few discreet encounters and you feel much much better. Eventually you get tired of each other and then you can move on. that is where i am and i an TOTALLY LO0KING FORWARD TO IT Got a few vicoprofens and going to a club on Tuesday to drink and get high and grope the ladies.
last commentHave you ever desired someone so much you want to have kids with them? Hopefully that was your wife and not some stripper.
People change after kids are introduced into a relationship so it's possible your desires change too. Maybe you met your wife in your 20s and she was hot. Now you're in your 40s and after daily life a few kids, the effects of age, and although your wife may still be attractive she doesn't look like she did when she was in her 20s. she may have never looked as good as that 23 year old stripper you want to bang at your local club. Therefore your desires can change and you mature as well as being exposed to new things.
My desires have changed as I've aged it's inevitable.