Are 2-for-1s really a good deal ?
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Most of us know that 2-for-1 “specials†often consist of cut songs.
I was at a mid-tier club (Showgirls in South Miami) a couple of weeks ago and decided to time the 2-for-1 songs.
The first song was 2.5 minutes – I was actually surprised and thought that was pretty good – but *then* the 2nd song they actually cut it at 1 min – WTF?.
So basically; the 2 songs of the 2-for-1 were the length of what 1 regular song should be.
I think that sucks – why tell the PLs it's a special – I was actually so pissed that I left the f'ing club (part of it was that I was not really feeling the vibe – but the 2-for-1 “special†is the straw that broke the camel's back).
Any of you PLs; I mean gentlemen/ladies, get an actual 2 full songs (or close to it) on a 2-for-1 (to the best of your knowledge)?
Instead I negotiate a 2 for 1 any time of the day or night. Some times the dancers balk at the price so I just pass but overall it has worked at my favorite clubs there for the last 15 years.
IMO, its annoying when its such a gross violation but its not a dealbreaker when its within reason. I usually get more upset about the way they describe the special, for example the DJ at Rhino always says its a "3-4-1" but its 3 for $45 while 1 is $25. Its closer to a buy 2 get 1 free than buy 1 get 2 free. That's a bigger misrepresentation.
Paper Moon is my favorite local club and they offer these all the time. They announce it and then all the dancers circulate the club and ask for dances.
They advertise this as a "special" but the songs are purposely shorter. What makes it worse is you can't buy one song at a time and the only other option is table dances, which at this club, are air dances. You'd be better of flushing your loot down the toilet than buying a table dance at this club.
So you either have to buy a 2 for 1 which is fifty bones, or buy a block of time- like 10 minutes for $100, 15 minutes for $150 and so on.
It sucks big time because you can't give a dancer a"trial run" with how they have the lap dances set up
Virginia clubs are a mother-fucker man. :-(
However, the places I go often they don't have it. Dang!
A good dancer will start dancing while the dancers are out making their rounds for dances, and if you are getting dances next, will dance during the filler dance before the next stage dance starts. I usually end up getting about 2 3/4 songs time, when I am currently in the back with a dancer right when 2-4-1 is called.
Papi you bring up good point, that the 2for1 are shorter songs and we get screwed. I have not done this in awhile, but have gotten 3 for 2.5. A little explanation as the dances are $10 in Atlanta, so get 3 dances of normal songs for $25. Papi you got me thinking and will try it again to see if it still works.
There is one club in Atlanta (Mardi Gras) that routinely runs 2for1. The girls hate it as they end up with only $10 for 2 songs. If the girl is half way decent will get a 3rd dance, thus making it 3 songs for $20.
I generally use 2fer1's as test drives for dancers that are new to me, and if they pass muster then I take them for VIP.
You take the time to time them? That makes them even shorter! :)
I've never seen a 2'fer at Showgirls. Perhaps they just don't do them in the afternoon.
Anyway, it may differ from club to club but the club I go to doesn't cut songs, I studied music business in college so I am familiar with many of the songs that are played and can attest to that, on top of that if someone comes to tip as a song is ending, the DJ is often nice enough to rewind the song a bit.
The bad: i usually get off 3/4 through the first song, so theres less excitement in the 2nd. also I have been ripped off at least once by a girl during 2 for 1 dances. i only wanted one and she told me i had to pay the full 20 because even though its 2 for 1 the strippers are independent contractors and can decide for themselves if they wanna do full charge for one during a 2fer.
All in all i like 2fers but there are downsides
I started timing songs b/c the DJs in the black dives I visit down here in Miami treat the SC as if it was a dance club or a block party – they mix in songs at any time even 30 seconds into a song and songs are all over the place in length (it’s not even consistent)– being a serial LD getter; this def affects my bang for the buck.
Seeing that this was an issue at some clubs; I then started the habit of timing songs at different clubs and was surprised they were shorter than I expected/anticipated – they may not have felt short; but once I timed them I realized some clubs were playing songs at b/w 2:45 and 3:00 mins max for the regular songs – that’s too short in my professional PL opinion.
Interesting twist at one Chicago club that would do an occasional 2-for-1's: It'd be 2-for-1, and it'd be full songs, but they'd play crappy songs. Most of the night, usual dance-pop-rock-rap stuff, but then when they did the 2-for-1, they'd play something goofy, like "Don't Worry, Be Happy" followed by "Mambo #5". It was an interesting strategy, probably based on the idea that you'd be disappointed after the first two songs, so you'd probably buy a third to get a "real" dance from the girl.