
How desperate/frustrated is the management of this club? PS- I don't think he li

New Jersey
On a scale of 1-10?

Read this review the "Management" admittedly posted (with rating all four catagories "5 stars"):

From time to time we need to update our girls, appearance, and cost to keep up with customer satisfaction and the economy. Prices are set to beat the competitions'. There are a lot of haters out there right now, and ownership was transferred 2 years ago. We are making changes often. Seems like the guys writing on these review websites have self-esteem issues and are hunting for cunt on a budget. So don't read these reviews with a hope of them being accurate... very few of them are. Also if you can read this last line it's because you paid for this websites service in an attempt to exploit and dishonor clubs. Have fun being lonely.
Management" https://www.tuscl.net/stripclubreviews.p…

The reviews for this club fall into 2 general categories: (1) critical or neutral reviews by guys with several reviews of different clubs under their belt, and (2) glowing, positive reviews written by "someone" who just joined and who never writes a review for another club again.


  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Flag it.
  • knight_errant
    11 years ago
    I thought about that GeorgeMD but after thinking about it, I'd hate to see the "review" go away. It says a lot about the place and the 62 reviews that came before it, don't you think. (btw, I've dropped $200-300+ a visit there, giving it plenty of fair chances...and fair reviews)
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Great way to get new customers and retain old customers: Insult them!
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @knight_errant: If it were just commentary, I'd agree. And while I believe Founder's system for incorporating any individual review into the club's overall rating probably accounts for the shilliness of this one, I hate to see a club get 5 stars across the board when the reviewer has a vested interest in that high rating.
  • knight_errant
    11 years ago
    Excellent point GeorgeMD; I didn't think of that. Still maybe I'll have to append the management's "review" to one of my own, if it gets taken down. (I've flagged patently shill reviews for that club before and haven't seen them taken down)
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I've seen clun owners and employees call out "cunt on a budget" reviewers who did nothing but criticize the club and everything in it simply because the cheap ass bastards couldn't bargain the dancers down to $5 for a FS dance. Sometimes the venting is warrented.
  • knight_errant
    11 years ago
    Fair enough, lopaw. But are you here "because you paid for this websites service in an attempt to exploit and dishonor clubs."?
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    ^^Of course not. But I believe that that type of comment refers to a tiny segment of the general customer base, but yes - there are individuals out there that are butthurt enough from what they perceive as mistreatment from club managers that they will write bogus (in some cases not so bogus) reviews as revenge.
  • aventador750
    11 years ago
    @ lopaw - although you have a point, insulting the customers can get you nowhere
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Understood. Little can be gained by doing that outburst except maybe a last ditch effort to try and clear your name or set the record straight if you feel that you've been wrongly maligned by a petty disgruntled customer.
  • knight_errant
    11 years ago
    Having been to the subject club about a half dozen times, and read all the reviews, I can honestly (and objectively) say that there aren't any unduly harsh reviews (perhaps two or three- it's been a while since I've read the older ones). The remarkable thing about the reviews for this club are the number of shining reviews that are the sole review of a member who has never returned to tuscl again.

    On a separate note, I like his sign off line "Have fun being lonely". Maybe he should have his dancers use that as a retort to customers who decline a dance.
  • aventador750
    11 years ago
    @lopaw- agree, it seems like an attempt to clear their name It's the approach taut I don't get
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    If you have to shit on other people to defend your own clubs reasons why they are as bad as people say they are, then your club is a low key piece of shit. And its especially true when management has time to actually sit and reply to other reviewers, that means your too lazy to up your quality in the club and you probably have a shit looking staff and room.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    @lowpaw yeah while there are always exceptions to the rules, the general populace that review here, aren't out to outhustle the fine ladies in the club. And this man seems to be venting to the general audience.
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