What would do if a high roller came in and started throwing cash

avatar for Tiredtraveler
This past week teen heart throb Justin Bieber went to a Florida strip club and spent $75,000 in $1 bills (so a news report says).


My question is what would you do if a high roller came into a club you were already in with a hottie on your lap and started throwing massive amounts of cash around?

Would pal up to him (if you can get past his security) and advise him on how to send in the club hoping for a little fallout your way.

(keeping in mind the 19 year old little prick just vandalized his neighbors house to the tune of $20,000 and wondering why he is at a strip club when he was nailing Selena Gomez)

Get up and leave,(thinking what a douche bag)

Sit back and watch the action or

Try to hold onto the dancer on your lap with a couple of drinks and your radiant charm.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I'll go with sit back and watch the action and try to hold on to my dancer.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
I can't wait to hear what ShadowKat (note the K) has to say.

That dude follows the Biebs all over the country in this windowless panel van with a cum-stained air mattress in the back. Apparently there is a big Bieber poster on the ceiling. He keeps PMing with descriptions of his antics.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Pal up to him? Oh fuck no. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Leave. If a guy is spreading that much cash around the night is pretty much shot anyway.
avatar for Djscudmaster
11 years ago
Stay and watch the festivities. It ain't often some drops 75k in a strip club
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Isn't that how 2amers start?
avatar for weewillie
11 years ago
Definitely stay and watch. Half the fun in a strip club is people watching.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
First off, I'd never be KOD. And I doubt he would be in a club when I was, afternoon. So the question is rather moot for me. But should he do that where and when I am, I'd watch and make sure I was not arrestable should the police show.
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
Sounds like Selena dumped his ass... maybe that is why the trips to strip clubs and whore houses down south.
avatar for bang69
11 years ago
I agree with weewille
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
If he's throwing 20's or 100's and they are falling all over the place, hmmm. If they fall right in your hands or on your lap, what would you do? Pretend it was your money without being obvious? How much could you scoop up without getting noticed if some fell on you?

Or would you brush it out of your hair like it was some dirty lint because it covered not only the stage but a good chunk of the audience as well?
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I doubt the high roller would take all the dancers. If he did, I would leave and probably so would most other people. Unless he wanted an empty strip club he would be foolish to get all the dancers. Of course if they all flocked over there, then it might be pointless to stay unless they were still stage dancing. I certainly wouldn't bother tipping a girl on stage unless I already knew her if someone was dumping tons of cash on the same girl.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
I'd probably stay and watch if only for a story to tell.
avatar for SketchinGuy
11 years ago
Try for the third option. I have my own hooks to keep a dancer interested aside from whatever I'm spending that night. But if that doesn't work & she goes to the high-roller douche, I'm pulling up stakes & heading out. There is always another club (at least until 2, in my area).
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
Since the only real attraction I have for most strippers is money, though a few act like they think I'm sweet, neither of those is going to counter a "popular" high roller spreading the wealth around. I'd wish my dancer well, sit and watch for a while, then leave when I got bored.
avatar for duomaxwell
11 years ago
About one sunday a month this ex-football player comes into our club and drops like $10k just to have girls floor dance for him (doesn't really seem to matter who), so as soon as he comes in EVERY GIRL IN THE PLACE flocks to his VIP section. I always wonder what the other patrons do.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
So, duo, how much does said ex-football player drop on you? :)

I hope you do well.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
@Duo you should keep a ledger of all the money you get when he's in the club. He may sue you someday, claiming his 657 prior concussions made him legal incompetent to agree to pay for dances.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Uh oh Drake, watch out, he's closing in on you.

I'm young so i'd pal up and try to take some of his paper.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
He must have had several people carrying the money for him. 75,000 bills is a lot of paper to haul. I doubt this story.
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