Repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate and destroy all civilian possessed guns and guns from retailers that sell them without proper precautions, PARTICULARLY gun shows. Outlaw the National Rifle Association
^^^ You are so stupid. At least jester214 said something intelligent INSTEAD of a mindless attack on me, like all the ASSHOLES including you. I don't mind intelligent Opposition.
Alucard has the option of moving to the many useless Socialist countries where weapons are banned and yet he stays here whining like a bitch. Fucking hate all progressives. Anyone notice that all the school shootings happen in liberal, blue states that voted for Obama?
It is always sad when something like this happens. People have the choice to speak their mind.
But yet again I ask Alucard to explain.... How would taking away guns stop most of these shootings when most of the guns are stolen or acquired in an illegal fashion?
Also he forgets that his freedom for being able to speak his mind was the reason why the 2nd amendment was established. If people didn't have the right to bear arms or did it with out the "crowns" knowledge. We would still be under imperial rule. His freedoms of speech might not be possible. That is the main reason for the law. To be able to rise up and fight against a tyranny of a police state or government.
The thing, you see, is that alutard is only capable of stating what his own short bus opinion is. He is not capable of backing it with facts and logic nor is he capable of responding when others point out factual errors in things he says, or problems with his logic. His brain is just too dumb to respond to counter-arguments since he knows he ain't got nothing to back up his stance.
Why only PM, Alucard? Why not present your position in public? And why only him? *I* have asked you for an explanation multiple times and you've not responded. It's like you're ignoring me or something.
Because he is too chicken shit. He likes to talk tough like he's got this mighty intellect and is so much smarter than everyone else, but, needless to say, if he actually had to prove it by backing his positions with facts and logic, it would all fall apart for him. People would have counter examples they could point to. So just talk tough about how he really could defend his position so well is his strategy. Doesn't actually work too well in convincing anyone that he has these great defenses, but the alternative, for him, is say something publically and have it all fall apart.
@Dougster: Just in case it isn't apparent, I know all that. He still gets a *chance* to present his side in something other than a bald-faced assertion, though. I realize he may never do so, but I can hope. :)
A young kid illegally took a gun to school and illegally started shooting people. Alucard mentions it and thinks passing more laws will end illegal stuff. Brilliant. Would have never thought passing another law for someone to break would stop them from breaking all the other laws. Solution, require gun training for all the other young students and hand them out as they enter the school. Anyone get caught getting out of line or even suggests eliminating all this, gets shot. No more arguments.
That's a joke if you are humor impaired. I am ok with restricting guns to adults or those without felony convictions. In the case of a child, a parent is legally responsible. In this case, the parent could be sued and if the kid had killed someone, possibly tried in a murder trial as aiding or allowing or something like that. Parents with guns need to teach gun safety and how important it is to treat guns with respect. Unless they want to go to jail or send their parents to jail.
sharkhunter.... There are laws in place to keep firearms out of the hands of felons. But do you think felons get guns...illegally!! So no law will stop that.
But i agree that parents are responsible for guns in their homes. they need to be locked up and out of reach for children. But yet you don't make them taboo to children. Make sure your kids know about the guns, show them how to use them safely and correctly. Make sure they know the power and destruction they can do. (easy example is fill up a milk just or 2 liter bottle full of water and then put the cap on and shoot it).
But like the sandy hook shooting.... that guy killed his mom. Maybe she was keeping him from the guns. We will never know the answer to that.
crsm27, you and I sound like we are agreeing. Alucard is the one that keeps posting on this site that guns should be banned, etc, etc. I believe people should retain the right to defend themselves. Alucard disagrees and has made several posts about doing away with the second amendment and he actually sounds serious in his posts that he believes taking guns away from all law abiding people would make things better. All I can imagine are criminals Having fun killing and robbing others with immunity except for a few cases when they stay around long enough for the police to arrive.
Even if you were able to get almost everyone in the US to do away with guns and their rights, Mexicans and other criminals would still smuggle guns in across the border. If we have over 10 million illegal aliens living here, you obviously can't control the flow of guns or drugs very well. Only criminals will be armed. Crime would likely go up. Women and men would be bringing knives to a gun fight. This is what I see as Alucard's dream come true. The entire US would be Declared a gun free zone and while the mentally insane might have trouble getting a gun, the evil people intent on doing evil still would and no legal citizen would be able to stop them. Alucard's dream world in my opinion. No one has the legal right to have a gun.
And all them blue states had shootings long before obama went into office. And so did the red states. Hell, NY is a blue state but I bet you cant connect coincidences with that?
That's what I've been trying to tell Alucard. I'm not a gun guy. Don't own one, probably never will. But making guns illegal? Didn't work for booze. Doesn't work with drugs. Iff you think the Mexican drug cartels are dangerous, can you imagine a USA with Mexican Russian, and Chinese gun cartels? It's gonna be far worse than a few school or movie theater shootings.
last commentSome people want strip clubs banned......we know how we all feel about that. ;-)
"Those who would surrender their freedom for security deserve neither?"
Guess Alucard gets neither.
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Most animals are smarter than alutard as well.
most inanimate objects are smarter than alucard.
@alucard. that’s inanimate, I-N-A-N-I-M-A-T-E. ask your psychiatrist what it means.
But yet again I ask Alucard to explain.... How would taking away guns stop most of these shootings when most of the guns are stolen or acquired in an illegal fashion?
Also he forgets that his freedom for being able to speak his mind was the reason why the 2nd amendment was established. If people didn't have the right to bear arms or did it with out the "crowns" knowledge. We would still be under imperial rule. His freedoms of speech might not be possible. That is the main reason for the law. To be able to rise up and fight against a tyranny of a police state or government.
Because he is too chicken shit. He likes to talk tough like he's got this mighty intellect and is so much smarter than everyone else, but, needless to say, if he actually had to prove it by backing his positions with facts and logic, it would all fall apart for him. People would have counter examples they could point to. So just talk tough about how he really could defend his position so well is his strategy. Doesn't actually work too well in convincing anyone that he has these great defenses, but the alternative, for him, is say something publically and have it all fall apart.
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Solution, require gun training for all the other young students and hand them out as they enter the school. Anyone get caught getting out of line or even suggests eliminating all this, gets shot. No more arguments.
That's a joke if you are humor impaired. I am ok with restricting guns to adults or those without felony convictions. In the case of a child, a parent is legally responsible. In this case, the parent could be sued and if the kid had killed someone, possibly tried in a murder trial as aiding or allowing or something like that. Parents with guns need to teach gun safety and how important it is to treat guns with respect. Unless they want to go to jail or send their parents to jail.
But i agree that parents are responsible for guns in their homes. they need to be locked up and out of reach for children. But yet you don't make them taboo to children. Make sure your kids know about the guns, show them how to use them safely and correctly. Make sure they know the power and destruction they can do. (easy example is fill up a milk just or 2 liter bottle full of water and then put the cap on and shoot it).
But like the sandy hook shooting.... that guy killed his mom. Maybe she was keeping him from the guns. We will never know the answer to that.
That's what I've been trying to tell Alucard. I'm not a gun guy. Don't own one, probably never will. But making guns illegal? Didn't work for booze. Doesn't work with drugs. Iff you think the Mexican drug cartels are dangerous, can you imagine a USA with Mexican Russian, and Chinese gun cartels? It's gonna be far worse than a few school or movie theater shootings.
RIP good man. You have returned to the STARDUST!!!