
Ever have one of your favorites sad stories make the national news?

I did. Did you hear about the 3 South Carolina hikers rescued from the Appalachian trail?
One of my favorites is the sister. She said he was ok but his two friends were talking about dieing and had frostbite.
She was texting him she said to help him get through it. She said he was prepared for rain but not temperatures below zero. I initially thought they were idiots for not planning ahead but I read they set out on a 10 day hiking trip and the weather forecast over 10 days ago was not that cold.

I still have to wonder about not bringing cold weather gear for a 10 day hiking trip in January. I didn't comment. I was trying to enjoy some dances. In this case it sounds like the dancer was smarter than the brother. She said she thought about going up there but knew she didn't have training.

If I go hiking in the mountains, I prefer to do it in the summertime. I read the snow was 2 feet deep and all they prepared for was rain.
They need to check out the weather in Canada next time. Farmerart could have told them there was a lot of cold air up there that could move south.

I made a mental note if I go someplace cold, take an attractive female not two guys. I tend to be hot and when others are cold, I'd rather have a dancer pressing up against me.
A 10 day hiking trip. I think I enjoyed my two weeks off better. Although I do occassionally enjoy walking in the snow if I don't get too hot and sweaty.

Ever gone on a ten day hike or had one of your favorites have a really good story that you believe?


  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I might have genes better suited for cold weather. I find it amazing and extremely uncomfortable at times at how hot some locals like the indoor temperatures or how they stand to be all bundled up in coats and sweaters when I'm sweating in short sleeves in church. Makes me wonder if I'm surrounded by aliens.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    weather cannot be accounted for anywhere beyond 2 days in advance. the weather reports have become so inaccurate it should be a crime. Can't blame them for being ill prepared. Still, what a waste of battery and how is that even a real hiking trip. They had cell phone service what the hell?
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    The closest wife and I ever came to getting dangerously hypothermic was hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire when it was windy, a touch of drizzle and a 33 degree temp. July 4th. Had thermals but nothing water proof.
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