Coitus Interuptus
Solo PL
Have you ever been interrupted in a private room. I was in a private room on a Friday night and was getting busy with a very hot dancer (over all a 9+) about half way through the session and the house mom walked by and pulled the curtain open about 4 inches, needless to say we froze in place. She did not say anything to me or the girl ( don't think she even looked in) then but spoke to her after the session and told her to leave the curtain open some. This may have been because it was Friday and there were cops by the door doing bouncer duty. Another club in town had been busted for an under age dancer and private room doings. Ever had this happen to you. I know about Bogarts and Henry's in Detroit in the lap dance area and even had Suzy Q watching, cheering on, & asking to join in with me and a girl at HS8 once. They don't count.