
Columbus / Dayton

Avatar for Jtmonger

Going to ohio for business next week and will have some afternoon - 6pm time to kill. One day in Dayton and one in Columbus ? Any high contact clubs ? Any still nude ?

Thanks for the help



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Avatar for Alucard

Ask either MrPink (sorry if I misspelled it) or maybe tenisbum1776. They may be of some help. I know more about NW Ohio and the Detroit area.

Avatar for samsung1

Roadhouse revue in Columbus is nude but they have weird hours. Diamonds cabaret and baby dolls in Dayton area are nude but low mileage.

Avatar for samsung1

Kahoots in Columbus is the best for dayshift. Centerfold doesn't open until 2pm and requires prepay for dances. Sirens is too hit or miss.

For dayshift in Dayton I would go to harem.

Avatar for Clubber


Nothing good about Cheeks and Pazzazz any longer?

Avatar for rl27

Stay away from Roadhouse Revue. It has never been a good club under any name. In Columbus the best dances are at Kahoots. In Dayton your best bet are Living Room, Cheeks or the Harem. Harem has the best dances and Living Room the best looking dancers.

Avatar for samsung1


Cheeks does not open until 4pm and the poster was looking for an afternoon to 6pm visit.

Also cheeks has gone downhill a bit because they limit the 2 for 1 deals to just twice in a row so no more stacking multiple two for 1s.

Avatar for Clubber


Been over 10 years since I spent time up there. Have no reason to return, but was just interested. Thanks.

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