Are you finding lots of strippers lately who are VERY DESPERATE FOR MONEY? Are some strippers more willing to give EMOTIONAL (and SEXUAL) satisfaction these days because of financial DESPERATION?
Yep desperate for cash is the primary reason most strippers do their "job".
Now what has surprised me lately is to learn that a surprisingly large number of strippers are actually pretty sex crazed:
As many of you know my MO is to talk to strippers w/o paying. Of the ones I have asked "how many guys have you slept with" I have heard some remarkably high numbers. And they aren't usually ashamed of it either, or do not realize the numbers are high.
The average number of sex partners for college age girls (the ones I most like to talk to) is around 4.4 these days.
When I talk to strippers about this I rarely hear number of sexual partners less than 12. Some of the numbers are so high that they don't want to tell me "more than 12? *nod* more than 20? *nod*"
I think the idea is that strippers are more likely to have been sexually abused as children and/or have fucked relations or no relations with their fathers. Although I do not understand the casual relation, for some reason people sexually abused as children are more likely to be promiscuous as adults.
last commentNow what has surprised me lately is to learn that a surprisingly large number of strippers are actually pretty sex crazed:
As many of you know my MO is to talk to strippers w/o paying. Of the ones I have asked "how many guys have you slept with" I have heard some remarkably high numbers. And they aren't usually ashamed of it either, or do not realize the numbers are high.
The average number of sex partners for college age girls (the ones I most like to talk to) is around 4.4 these days.
When I talk to strippers about this I rarely hear number of sexual partners less than 12. Some of the numbers are so high that they don't want to tell me "more than 12? *nod* more than 20? *nod*"
I think the idea is that strippers are more likely to have been sexually abused as children and/or have fucked relations or no relations with their fathers. Although I do not understand the casual relation, for some reason people sexually abused as children are more likely to be promiscuous as adults.