Review Length
Some posts lately about BS reviews or worthless reveiws. But what about a review that takes 30 mins to read and has 10 chapters and an index?
I appreciate the effort for that kind of review but how many of you actually read the really long reviews? What is an appropriate length?
I appreciate the effort for that kind of review but how many of you actually read the really long reviews? What is an appropriate length?
An appropriate length? Hard to say. JUST not the very SHORT BS ones. Be detailed as possible & as descriptive as possible. Try to draw in the reader to your experience.
I was hacking off
Did you feel that buddy
I try to be fairly wordy but divide into paragraphs so if you don't want to read about the physical layout of the club (for example) you can just skip that part. Also provide a summary at the end like my high school English teacher taught me.
In my opinion, if it doesn't fit on a single screen (desk or laptop screen, not mobile), it's too long.
Perfect and agreed. I tend to get a little wordy at times, but I try to share as many pertinent details as possible.
This response doesn't surprise me in the LEAST. With his/her apparent educational level, what else are we going to see.
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where I can get a visual image. It's ok with me.
That is if words can make me get the picture.