
Conspiracy Theories

RL and I are different people. Those who think otherwise are paranoid schizophernics and need to get out more (not to strip clubs either).


  • davids
    19 years ago
    Oh come on, now parody. All so serious and trying to engage in a serious discussion. I do not for one minute believe you are posting this. Are you teaching your 300 lb wife how to post?

    That's not your style, parody. Come on man, post something REALLY FUCKING GROSS. People find that so fucking funny!

    Here. I'll help you out. (davids does parodyman--> imitation):

    Fuck! Cunt! Shit! Piss! Snot! Ass! Jerkoff! Fart!

  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    davids: I'm going to attempt to explain to you why I find you so funny. Lest take a look at what you posted last...

    "Maybe I won't know about gay sex" -- Maybe you will! Keep on trying. If you are refering to me I hate to disapoint you. I am not gay but am also not offended by gays.

    "or sex w/ 300 lb women" -- When did I ever say I did. You tried to bait me by insulting my wife. That will never work. She is far above any of this crap and quite frankly very attractive. She most certainly never give a little boy like you the time of day.

    "which your post indicate are you specialities" -- I never said any of this. If one were to draw conclusions from posts they would draw from yours the fact that you are a bullshitter and nothing more.

    "but some of us prefer and now how to score good looking women." -- Me too. And I have. Now it's your turn. Please try to refrain from making up bullshit stories.

    "You just keep your mind pre-occupied on the gross stuff if you like though." -- Can you be specific? Again try to refrain from bullshitting if you can.

    "Doesn't mean yer a freak or anything. Oh, wait. Yes it does." -- If you define freak as someone radically different than yourself I would say Fuckin-A! I must be on the right track.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    don't cry little davids. Some day you will be all grown up and find out that sex just isn't a sticky dream you wake up from, but something most normal people do. This dosen't mean you will ever have a shot in hell.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Maybe I won't know about gay sex or sex w/ 300 lb women, which your post indicate are you specialities, but some of us prefer and now how to score good looking women. You just keep your mind pre-occupied on the gross stuff if you like though. Doesn't mean yer a freak or anything. Oh, wait. Yes it does.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Really, parody? Please explain why the world needs you?

    I mean if you had another 30 IQ points you might be able to provide some entertainment here, but at the moment I think a "fart jokes" board might be more your speed.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Don't be so angry little man, the world needs losers too.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    More that likely it's really a case of projection: You are seeing yourself in the "excertment", "piss", "farting" and what ever other gross stuff you are constantly obsessing over.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    Maybe I am obsessed with excrement. Seems like every time I look in the toilet I see davids future luck with women.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Maybe you even wear a tuxedo to make the "act" all that more convincing?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Notice parodyman-->'s obsession with diapers and excertion... Typical.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    See how pissed davids gets when confronted with the truth about himself. He had to reply twice because he couldn't walk away. This is just like training monkeys! It is also similar because they both need diapers.
  • davids
    19 years ago


    I just find the thought of you in a stripper club "acting" like a human being and telling stories about farting or whatever your routine is amusing... I'm sure there are others on the board with me on this one? ;-)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Notice that parodyman--> has to "act" like a human being and gentleman.

    Some of just are those things so there is no act.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    parodyman--> must be quite the sight to behold in a strip club: Telling strippers stories about "fuck, shit, piss" and whatever other gross stuff his pee brain is hung up at the moment.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    There is no way that fucktard davids and I are the same person. When I go out for the evening I act like a gentleman and a human being. Numbnuts acts like a spoiled little kid who just wants to get everyone's attention. I have fun while he spends his evenings trying to live up to something he will never be.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Some of the same conspiracy theorists used to claim that parodyman--> and I are the same person. But then parodyman--> started kissing the said conspiracy theorist's ass so he has dropped that claim now. More evidence of what a dumbass the said conspiracy theorist is.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    I sure get alot of follows up to my posts here and free attention from strippers for some nobody cares about. (Btw, if you didn't care you simply won't respond to this thread, simply b/c you didn't care. Get a clue, dummy.)
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    It doesn't matter either way....you're both geeks that nobody cares about.

    That's right little boy....nobody cares.

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