haven't really been on the boards lately but I was recently at one of my local clubs and just had to share.
this particular club doesn't have a regular bouncer ... I don't go there a lot but there was a dancer there who really pushed the normal limits of what can be typically found in the area.
well anyway I was drinking my soda at the bar waiting for her to come over. the door opens and a female walks in. she asked which of the girls is (we will call her) j ... she picks her out and proceeds to beat the crap out of her ... yelling how she touched her mans junk etc.
needless to say this ghetto girl beat this little spinner pretty well before it was broken up ... she ran out the door and I leftt before the cops showed up.
anyways ... the one thing I can't figure out is how did the girlfriend find out how handy the dancer was ... not really info I would broadcast to my girlfriend ... "hey I just got a handy by this dancer at a sc"
worst part is the clubs is likely gonna can her so no more fun. I dunno how messed up the dancer is, other girls at the club actually seemed to take the karma is a bitch stance about it.
Couple of months ago, I saw the bouncers at Follies throw out a female that came in and started whaling on her BF or husband.