Costs in Miami...
the speed force!
Perhaps my Miami brethren can clue me in, but I recently met up with a chick who claimed to work at Tootsies when I was on the road. The claim she made was that a real balls to the wall experience (gentlemen don't share details...I'm sure she just meant "a really enthusiastic lapper") would run $1K. Truth or fiction my pervo bros.
There are the ones (dancers) that don’t like doing the CR and will thus only do it for a certain amount usually higher than the norm/avg.
Then again Tootsies is very large w/ lots of custies some of which may not mind spending 1k for CR (Tootsies outta get its share of whales since it’s the largest and most popular club and known for extras availability).
But again, I don’t doubt *some* chicks may get 1k; but $400 is the avg and this is with 7s+
$400 for a good time in the CR would be fine and if that is what she typically gets i might be down. But if a girl like that -- nice looking but not spectacular -- can get more like $800 or $1k I don't envy you Miami folk!