
Talk About Ruining the Mood

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of “Inner Room” (Cocoa Beach, FL)

“… She has danced for me on several previous occasions and always provides reliable "extra" service, but yesterday proved to be an exception. An altercation occurred between a customer and a dancer and police were called. The police escorted the offending patron from the club in handcuffs and proceeded to hang around inside and out for several minutes , presumably enjoying the show. This led to an extremely chaste performance by F****, who was continually looking over her shoulder to see if any of Cocoa Beach's finest were taking a closer look at her performance. …”



  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I noticed when I tipped a girl on stage with an officer standing nearby, she stood back a good distance. I guess she was worried an officer could arrest and make trouble for her for some minor infraction.
    Kind of like an officer who pulled over my brother one time and asked him , "what do you think I am? Deaf , Dumb And Blind?"
    The only thing he was doing was revving his engine while driving across a bridge. The officer pulled him over on the other side, asked him that question and warned him for some unknown reason. I think that was before we knew they were out to nail him for some violation. One of his friends found out the police had a list of drivers they wanted to arrest. Hewas number 2 on the list. Small town cops think they can do whatever they want and often get away with it.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I should add one of the old neighbors down the road from us called and complained to the police about Everytime he drove by. They had a disagreement so he would rev his mustang engine on purpose every time he drove by because she was a bitch calling and complaining to the police every time. Some people are like that.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    When the police called and I answered the phone, they told me they were going to nail him one of these days. That was High School. I would have revved my engine too but my car was quieter. She even complained about me. A real bitch. I bought a car that I could rev my engine before too long, lol. It was red and sporty looking too.
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