When Escorts Dance to Attract Clients

avatar for Player11
While enjoying the buffet and taking a look at the newly constructed patio at the Ritz - bamboo covered, bar, even a basketball court, plus strippers sunning in bikinis.....I noticed a stripper I had seen at Centerfolds on my way inside the club.

Her name was Sara (my photos) and she recognized me and followed me inside. Once inside, I sat at a table near the stage and she asked to sit in my lap (there would be no escaping her). After buying her a drink and some small talk, she commented on how she danced at different clubs in the area. We talked briefly about the upstairs and VIP and the newly remodeled CR with its "enjoyment rooms" as she called them. We then went to the upstairs VIP and sat on a leather divan as she moved closer her feeling my crotch and starting to go into light HJ action. She told me she was from Cali and was in cheerleading. "I was the slutty cheerleader," she said with a smile. She told me she did escort work and danced to recruit clients. We then .......

This was not the first time I heard this from a stripper, a former otc gal. Your experiences? When I hear a dancer say she travels to dance at different clubs I wonder if she does escort work as well....


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avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
I heard some clubs scan the local backpage ads to make sure none of their dancers are posting on there or they get terminated. Other cities are probably not as strict.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I never asked if a dancer or girl was an escort but I guess that could be a good question after she asks me if I want to have sex with her especially if a girl starts off a conversation like that.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
It gets confusing in a strip club if a girl who is not working there talks suggestively. I'm not usually propositioned by visiting girls. The one time I was, I wondered what type of girl she was especially for attempting to take me back to her place like I'm Juice looking to pop with anyone. Of course sometimes you don't know if a dancer is serious or not unless you try to go along with her. I just say no most of the time. 'Most have been serious IMO.
avatar for DBJP101
12 years ago
Very interesting thread. I've noticed that most traveling dancers seem much more open to OTC. Essentially, this is a milder version of an escort, as they can choose or decline potential clients. They also seem much more eager to make money to cover travel costs, which leads to more of an aggressive approach.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I know many do but most do not come right out and tell you.
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
Yes Samsung girls can be fired from a club if they are on backpage. A number of girls at SC have told me this. One girl said as we were exchanging phone numbers after a really good FS VIP session: "I used to be on backpage but when they started firing girls here for being on it I deleted my profile there. Here is my phone number so we can meet for session outside of the club. We can make it a very enjoyable one hour fantasy zone. First session at $200, then next two at $150. We can celebrate our tenth date with a $100 special. I am usually here in town but occasionally travel to Miami, LA, and Vegas to help with marketing promotions at conventions (hooker trip)."

However, if they have a profile on Seeking Arrangement (a sugar dating site) this seems to be overlooked. I have encountered some strippers on this site but they are trolling for moon money. One wanted $500 just to talk about "our mutually beneficial arrangement." I have done a number of women from the site and three are currently on roster. Friday I got texts from all three plus two others wanting to meet for P4P fun. I think I need to start over in new city.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Lots of escorts dance to attract clients, I have a friend in ATL that did for awhile. From a legal standpoint, it's safer than posting on places like Backpage. Not all traveling dancers are escorts, though.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Never heard that from a dancer & I don't do escorts any longer. Quit years ago.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
I can think of at least three local escorts who dance periodically, two of whom also advertise on BP.

This is an older ad for one of them: <a href="http://louisville.backpage.com…" />

Yes, that ass is real.

Here's the other, with a more recent ad: <a href="http://louisville.backpage.com…" />

Those pics are real, too. She's the cute, but you really don't want to listen to her talk.

The third one that I know of keeps UTR.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Cut and paste the URLs if you're interested; I did something wrong in posting them.
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
Wendy (my photos) told me she danced to attract clients. She freely admitted she was an escort and on one occasion said "I am a happy prostitute." This was slightly before a session I had with her where I ended up doing her bareback. Of around 40 girls I have done since 2004 (mostly strippers), she is one of the best and was a really heavy hitter in getting me off. I did her 2005-06, 2007-08, and 2011-12. Often she was rotated with other girls. She never stays in one place very long. Only 3 other girls have matched her in her ability to give a man intense sexual pleasure. 2 of them I am currently rotating.
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