What word was on my mind? That word, my fellow brothers and sisters, is PUSSY. I thought about the myriad of ways we invoke that word. That lead to even more thinking, about how we use and abuse this beautiful word.
Here are some examples below:
Punch that Pussy in the nose.
Stop being such a Pussy and take a shot.
He was afraid to go skydiving. What a Pussy
You get the drift? All too often in our everyday speech, we've denigrated the sacredness of the Pussy for far too long. I, for one, am taking a stand. From henceforth, I Sir SlickSpicinis the First, will no longer use the word Pussy in a negative and blasphemous manner. I have spent too much time, too much effort, too much money, and too much energy towards the acquisition of New Pussy and the retainment of Old Pussy. So have you. And you. All of us have.
Pussy is the reason for existence. It is the Pink, Primordial Portal to Paradise. Journey with me on this quest to celebrate the glory of the Pussy.
So Say We All.
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See Farmerart's discussion, "Musing On The Word - 'Snatch' " posted June 5, 2012:…
I heard she was kinda robotic