I'll Give You Half the Next Song …

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I'm kind of anal (along with a lot of other things but …).
I don't mind spending $$$ in clubs but like getting my $$$'s worth.
So I hate when a dancer starts a LD in the middle of a song and when you protest they say something along the lines of “I'll give you part of the next oneâ€.
I don't put up with this BS anymore as I did at times when I was SC-green. I now insist on them waiting for the next song to start and if they give me shit about it I'll just get up and not get any LDs from her at all.
Are you anal about this as I am?
last commentI expect them to wait for a new song. Anything less and I'll complain.
Yeah, I don't put up with this either. With how outrageously expensive lap dances are in Richmond, they better not try to start in the middle of a song!
If they pull that shit on me it's one & done and never again.
I have not had one start mid-song recently. When it does happen, I tell her "the song hasn't started yet." Looking back on it, the best thing is probably to cancel right then. Mid-song starters are usually low-mileage ROBs.
I do with one dancer who at certain times has danced that partial song for free. She asked for a tip the last time and I gave her an extra 5 for that part of the song. I'm not usually paying more than 10 to 15 per song. Most of the time I don't care for that crap either and it is one big reason I tend to stick to favorites and tell a lot of dancers no or maybe later. I figure the dancers who start during part of a song won't last long.
Like SC, if they do it its one dance with a dollar tip and never another cent from me. I tip the one dollar after a dancer once spent 20 minutes ranting to me about how a guy gave her a $1 tip and how she'd found it to be so insulting. It seems to have had the same effect on other dancers too...
I've never asked them to wait for the next song or got up and left without paying for a single song. I've told plenty of them exactly why I'm not getting a dance from them when they've had the nerve to ask again on my next visit though.
I don't get too upset about it. I figure the girls doing that are girls I don't want to deal with anyway. Instead of taking 2-3 songs to figure it out, they made it obvious to me in 1. In other words, I consider it saving $50 not losing $25. I might be fucked up though, I also win at the $10 blackjack table and think of it as losing $90 cause I wasn't at the $100 table...
If this happens, I don't complain, but ask her- "Are you starting your dance now, or is this just a warmup"? In some nude clubs, dancers have gone topless, or even nude, and done a "light" dance in the partial song interval but no meter running. Every once in a while, I get the "I'll stop in the middle of the next song". One Asian in SF club did that- I ended up buying a bunch of dances from her that night (including the promised partial dance makeup)- she was the exception rather than the rule. Dancers who pull the partial song stunt don't get repeat business from me.
This rarely happens in the clubs I frequent. I just pay for one dance and find a new partner.
There should be timers in the booths and a per-minute price, 3-minute minimum. If the club is busy, it's not in anyone's interest that the dancers have to waste time waiting for a new song to start.
The girls I've gotten dances from fortunately have all been good in this respect. They are the ones who say " we'll start on the next song "'. While sitting there waiting, it's some nice mutual touching and chatting. I've only had one or two early on in my SC clubbing days be the ROB.
This happened to me recently. I stupidly told the girl I was looking for 2 dances before we even started. Then she starts in the middle of a song, and doesn't take her top off until the 2nd song. I should have gotten up and left after the first
Some used to try that, but now they usually just say they can't wait to start (I guess due to what a handsome fellow I am) and won't charge me for the partial song.
"I guess due to what a handsome fellow I am"
Right! LOL
My current fav generally straddles my lap and let's me grope her ass while we're waiting on the next song. And that's why she's my current fav... I'll never spend another dime on that other girl
My experience has been much like GSB. If anything, my faves give me that extra half song for free, not charging me for it as if it were a full song. It pays to have faves. Papi, I know you like to "play the field," but this is one example where having a staple of favorites helps. In the long run, I feel that the average club-goer gets more mileage and better deals with faves whom they are a regular customer of.
Well yes, this practice is annoying, but I've had so far a good run avoiding it, a majority of dancers I've engaged have had the discipline to wait for the next track to begin. It does however cut short any time I'd spend with someone who tries it.
Sounds like another problem that can be easily avoided by skipping the "song by song dances" and heading straight to the VIP room (which almost without exception are sold in increments of time) just sayin'!