wiggles in florida

avatar for vito
are the barmaids sexier then the strippers here?


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avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Strip club related, non-troll and non-troll feeding thread, so BUMP!
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Vito, QSM: Have you read Stinky's accounts of his visits to Wiggles and usually encountering no dancers in the club? They're hilarious. I hope they're still on the review page. The only club in the Cocoa area I've been to was Teaser's up towards Canaveral, back when they had $5 laps. Fun club!
avatar for GooberMan
19 years ago
Vito, Wiggles is not the best place in that area. Go to Inner Room in Cocoa Beach for some real action.

I will say that Amy at Wiggles looked decent and gave decent dances. She would let me feel her tits but not suck them. She said she nearly lost a breast from a staph infection when some old geezer bit her there!
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
There's a natural tendency to long for the one fully dressed woman in a room full of naked girls. Too often, I've seen the waitress who looked so hot in her skirt and blouse switch to stripping and turn out to be not so hot afterall.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Barmaids are better looking than dancers in a lot of clubs. They often make more money too.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
Many that I've know became barmaids after their dancing days were over. I've also known some that tend bar in one club and dance in another. Once one I know, she tended bar during the early shift then danced the night shift.
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