G-string theory and (het)erotic string theory
the speed force!
However, the assertion was the existence of another theory - call it erotic string theory - that exhibits likely exhibits a duality with G-string theory. Or perhaps not...in the terse but brilliant exchange I detected the distinct feeling that said TUSCL theorist felt my G-string theory exhibited an anomaly. Alas, I have indeed seen evidence for strippers of imaginary hotness when I assumed we would use the standard 1-10 scale. But tell the truth my brothers, you would do a 9i faster than the speed of light, would you not?
Please don't remain silent my intellectual TUSCL brethren. We need erudite conversation that lives up to the assertion that TUSCL is indeed an evocation of culture. Reveal your brilliant thoughts to all and perhaps you important insights will become the a part of that culture. Please don't be shy and hide behind a PM -- I simply cannot do justice to your brilliance!
...or we could jes' talk 'bout hot-ass strippers. Choice o' my TUSCL brothers -- invent a whole new strip club mathematics...beyond bistromathics...or simply talkin' 'bout strippers!
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However, I find it more exciting to engage in the search for the elusive Higgs bimbo. The Higgs bimbo, which has been called "the God-stripper," is responsible for the field that permeates strip clubs, giving customers their PL-ness. My experimental method is to bang against thousands of dancers at high speed, hoping that the Higgs bimbo will be revealed.
When y'all understand that the 1-10 scale is for FACIAL attractiveness and that the WTH ratio is the one used for bodies.
*Picard facepalm again*
JayJay...but I skeptical of the physical reality of an imaginary WTH ratio. Perhaps if we added some more dimensions...
And I'll add a c'mon to my correspondent...please don't be shy...please join in and educate us all with your extraordinary knowledge of mathematical physics and its application to strip clubs. I digs the erudite conversation.