The only time I made money in a strip club was when one guy gave me a few dollars and asked if I could move so that all his buddies could sit together at the stage. I quickly spent it on stage tips. Well I have been offered beers several times when I used to visit byob clubs. Some guys would bring in like twenty or more beers.
JUICE, you are so full of shit (except when you go to the Jack-In-The-Box restroom), that nobody believes anything you say here could be the whole truth.
last commentI did recently recruit 2 guys for the drilling crew during a visit to the Rig Pig SC in Nisku.
How can we all not wish that we had the carefree life of Sir Juice. :)
Shit, that's peanuts. I wouldn't even get out of bed for $80K/year. A man of your obvious accomplishments is worth much more than that poverty pay.