This is a documentary about Joe Redner, the owner of the Mons Venus strip club in Tampa. Mons is probably the most famous nude club in the world, even if Joe does say so himself. It's famous for its full-contact, nude lap dances. Joe himslf is infamous for his rable-rousing style of dealing with local government. This documentary focuses on Joe's life and antics, with lots of interviews with his family and others who know him. While not a great work of art by any means, and without much stripper action, this film is still decent, well worth watching, especially if you don't already know Joe's story.
I watched it the other day. I believe Joe is much more than a strip club owner. He is kind of like a modern day blue collar revolutionary for a lost cause. Freedom.
I think you have to download the .avi file on your computer and watch it in a media player such as VLC player (it didn't run in windows media player for me)
Good documentary.
Anybody else tried to or connected successfully?
I am currently sitting in a Starbucks using their Wi-Fi – wonder if this is the issue for me?