
Another of farmerart's hang outs?

Atlanta suburb
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 11:56 AM
The Oxford Hotel 111 1st Street West Brooks, Alberta Reviewed on: December 4, 2012 Visited on: Unknown Dancers on Shift: 1-5 This has got to be the worst strip club joint in Canada. The place is disgusting, not just run down but a filthy hole. Their are two dancers booked for the week. One was hot the other was fugly. The hot one I talked to said she was not going to be coming back given the condition of the bar. The staff are very unprofessional, and the owner who I thought was a customer was drunk off his ass lamely attempting to hit on the girls which wasn't appreciated by them and the decor is as lame as the owner. The decorating budget must have been ten bucks in total. The owner runs this bar like it's his own filthy rec room. There was water dripping from the ceiling beside hanging wires. Had a bit of a sewer smell and there was water on the floor. The dancer told me the the stage was made of plywood and if you weren't careful you would get slivers. It's also extremely cold, probably because their too cheap to pay the heating bill. Drinks are an okay price, but given the cleanliness factor I didn't bother for another. The dancer also told me the rooms they are given are just as disgusting and that she tries not to touch anything in them. What a shithole, this bar should be closed down! I feel sorry for the girls who have to work there. Luckily one of them was hot and friendly so it wasn't a total bust, but I would never go back. Burn your clothes afterward!!! and not because your wife might catch you smelling like another woman but because you will smell like a toilet. No self respecting man would enter this hell.


  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    LAWL! I love it.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I strongly doubt it, but ya never know.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    The "Oxford Hotel". Sounds sophisticated. Guess that is meant to be a joke.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Prob related to juicebox. He's always giving dancers his apartment in the projects as room# 420 at Château Magnifique!
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Sounds alot like 6th Ave Dancers in Terre Haute except all the dancers are fugly.
  • mausercat
    12 years ago
    In some of the prairie provinces a bar that has entertainment license must be affiliated with a hotel...thus the name.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Yeah, I've been in the Ox. Lots of nat gas in the country around Brooks; I have spent much time in the area. Even stayed in the Ox for one night - bedbugs! Slept in my truck the next night. Only beer in the Ox's tavern back in those years, no strippers.
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