Question for Strippers: Dancing for Unattractive Guys

avatar for davids
I have a question for any strippers who may be reading this board:

How does it feel to give a lap dance or engage in extras with unattractive guys? As a guy who is doing ok for cash I cannot relate to it being possible to do it at all. How do strippers do it?

Now I realize that for women physical apperance is not as big a factor in attraction as it is for guys, but, at the same time, I do not think strip club customers, on average, figure high in the factors that women do find attractive.

So how do strippers do it?


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avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
A question for "stripper18" and any other stripper - Do you care about a customer's looks if you want to spend time with him OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE?
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
I have a few questions for the strippers out there.

When interacting with davids do you find it UNATTRACTIVE that he has NAMED HIS HAIRY PALMED RIGHT HAND CLIFBAR?

Are you disturbed when he carries on conversations with it?

Do you find it to be an economic hardship on you when he orders Clifbar to JACK OFF all of the CUSTOMERS in the club?
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
davids here is another alias you can use for posting. "COCKMASTER"
avatar for davids
19 years ago
FS: Are you a stripper too? This thread posed a question for strippers.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
I'm a old fat ugly looking guy. I always great lap dances!

So what is your point?
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
davids ask the strippers who dance for you, why in the fuck are they dancing for not only an UGLY but a CHEAP BASTARD like you while Clifbar (your right hand man) is shoved in your pants? This will make for interesting conversation while Clifbar catches a load.
avatar for kensinge
19 years ago
I agree that, for the most part, customer's looks are not important at all. However, sometimes men come in that are repulsive; I would rather pick a normal guy even if it meant less money. Hot guys get better dances (unless they are stuck up).
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Nothing helps my case more than davids' own posts.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
stripper18: AN is just mad at me b/c I "outted" him as a NAMBLA member and a holocaust denier.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
stripper18, look at davids' other posts and consider wether you want to be in a dialog with him.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Thank you for your input stripper18. Even though you do not do extras, period, perhaps you can help us out with a little question we had boucning around here a while back: Are strippers more likely to give higher mileage to guys they find more attractive or does it not really matter?

Also I have and other have conjectured that certain strippers, if they are especially horny and/or find a customer very attractive will do extras just for fun or for a nominal price. Doesn't happen too often, but perhaps once in a while. What do you think?
avatar for stripper18
19 years ago
Not sure if I should be answering this or just letting you boys continue arguing back and forth...but personally, I don't think about what the customer looks like one way or the other. If giving a lapdance is my job, then i'm going to do it the best that i can, regardless to them. Now, if they aren't tipping at all, or are making me uncomfortable, then it may be different.

And i don't do extras. period. its not worth it to me.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Your mother is the only stripper I let "dance" for me, Mr.Subhuman. I don't know if "dance" is an accurate description of the super cheap and freaky extras she offers though. Not much dancing involved.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
P.S. This question was for strippers. I guess the fact that parodyman answered confirms what we all were starting to beleive: Parody likes to dress up in drag in work in strip clubs (hey it's not as unbelievable as it sounds: remember he doesn't have a dick, after all). Anyway, he likes to do extras, especially, blowjobs for straight guys. So far he has fooled Shadowcat and Sheik who wrote glowing reviews of him under Platinum Plus. Good luck in your new career, parody, I just hope you don't catch any STDs.
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19 years ago
When they dance for you davids they imagine someone who is bright, intelligent, good personality, not fucking cheap and has had a bath recently. None of the things you are but I'm told it gets them through.
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