
calling out gatorfan ?

Avatar for JuiceBox69
JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads

I'm sick and tired and tired of being sick at all your smart ass one liners !

I'm sick of your blue and tired of your orange !

I'm even sick at that toeboggin on that girls head !

I'm even tired of looking at that same ol dick !

Is that your dick ? If so that Shit tinny !

Also looks like that bitch is sucking dick in a van son ? You homless ?

Your always to pro bullshit to know your own goddamn good playa !

I should do you a fava and smack the Fag out your mouth !

Shit I bet you never been to a real football game let alone the swamp I'm death valley !

I bet your truely a seminals fan but count spell it and pussed out for your username

So the next time you want to add to this library of bullshit why don't you just save us all a little trouble and go off your self bitch !

Sensuraly your best fuckin friend in the while goddamn world juicy jay aka Da juiceman


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Avatar for jabthehut

So you understand how some of us see you. You're brown, not because you're black but because you're anal retentive.

Now I be pootin yur stank ass on egnore

Avatar for TortillaChip

Throw enough shit against thte wall sum will stick this one didn't

Avatar for motorhead

I'm a Gator fan too so leave my homie alone. My daddy lived in Florida for over 25 years after he got tired of the snow. He kept sending me all kiinds of Florida Gator shit. Shirts, hats, sweat pants, flags, glasses, coffee cups. Finally I gave in and became a fan.

My boy Urban Meyer jumped ship and went to the worst fucking school in the world though. I'll never forgive him for that.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Oooo Shit mo.head tore my ass a new one son....and yes I'm just having a.good.time be nice if others good just figure that out....part of.y my profile pick looks like it does to.show I'm one big goofball

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Also a.side note I r been a gators fan since the 80's me and Gator pm about that back in the day when I was trying out new and dif profile picks

Avatar for Daddillac

You know why the Gator crossed the road? .....He could not cross the GOAL LINE ....Go Dawgs!!! Florida Football - A proud tradition since 1990.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Chips and that is the risk I'm willing to take just to bring a smile to some ones shitty day

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Dadlack that was a Damn goodun

Avatar for Alucard

Think you're getting manic too. LOL

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Drac baby its possible its just saw how much tusclers responded to the other one and this new additude that juice has taken I figured I would play with it a little and see were it goes.....lol.....that's totaly what she said ;)

Avatar for carolynne

juicy, make sure u keep ur cell in ur hand so u can call 911 when u come crashing back to earth...

Avatar for SofaKing

I am jealous of Gatorfan and the constant stream of trenchant one liners. Consistently funny!

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Y hasent gater commented I did this to.honor him in my juicy little way......I love you Gator

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

Gator says in one line what takes Juice a whole paragraph. But they're both ok in my book.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Nights you know after much thought I agree

Avatar for TABB

Juice is doing the WWF routine again haha

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Tabb you godamn right whooooooo !!!! I'm stilling and profiling

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