
Stripperweb Refugee

Avatar for tynan
 Greetings all. Just wanted to say this place seems much, much more customer friendly than the hornet's nest known as Stripperweb. The members here seem to have a lot more leeway as far as their freedom of speech. Thanks and looking forward to posting some Reviews.


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Avatar for Alucard

There's LOTS of freedom of Speech here. Maybe more than you bargained for.


Avatar for crazyjoe

Talk as much as you want

Avatar for bang69

I agree with Alucard

Avatar for Alucard

It will be interesting to see how long it takes. ;)

Avatar for SofaKing

Matter of perspective. The pink site is of, by, and for dancers. This site is for everyone - dancers, customers, and management, although I do not recall ever seeing any posts by bouncers, managers, or owner. Therefore, this site is much more free-wheeling than stripperweb.com

Avatar for rh48hr

Sofa - There have been posts by management here before. There are a lot of shill posts. But there was one from a manager at a club in Austin earlier this year who seemed to want to make the experience best for the customer. But you will mainly see customer comments, with a few dancers.

Avatar for lopaw

The main difference is that on Stripperweb the dancers attack the customers. Here on TUSCL the customers attack anything that moves.

Avatar for Alucard

Unfortunately that seems to be the state of affairs around here now Lopaw.

Avatar for motorhead

shhhh.....I'm standing perfectly still

Avatar for gatorfan

Far less menstrual cramps on TUSCL!

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

The StripperWeb site is interesting as the SC reality put forth by most of the strippers that post, conflicts with the reality I see in the SC. For example, it seems any stripper that posts about the prevalence of extras and OTC is shouted down as if that is the exception rather (in my reality) the rule.

The most dominate strippers that post on the site imply that being a high earning "clean" stripper is common. That also conflicts with my perception of the illusion. Also, the amount of money quoted as being earned seems to conflict with what I've seen.

But who the fuck knows. I'm not stripper and know only a realitive few strippers that work in a club. It just seems the strippers that commonly post put for a reality that they would like to exist but really doesn't in a SC.

Avatar for Alucard

None of the Dancers I have met and gotten to know well is living the RICH life.

I don't doubt that many are not being truthful on StripperWeb, just as many posters here aren't being truthful. It is SO easy to Lie on the Internet. You don't have to look the person you are lying to in their eyes!

Avatar for tynan

Lopaw, hello. Fancy seeing you here as well as on SW. It was always interesting to read about your experiences ITC :)

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Tynan I've dun stripper web and didn't enjoy it at all...glade to. Have you so now go and Fuck off

Avatar for Dougster

I think we had a former bouncer who now claims to be a custie post here. Don't remember any managers or other employees enter the discussions.

Avatar for lopaw

Welcome, tynan! I don't visit SW nearly as often as I once did, and when I do I stick mostly to the blue side. The pink side just saddens me most of the time.

Avatar for rickdugan

I post regularly both here and on stripperweb and I am the same person on both. Now yes, one does need to be a little more considerate of what one posts in the pink section of the site, but overall I've felt pretty free to speak my mind and I have almost 2000 posts and over 1500 THANKS to my name.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Did Ricky get banned on stripper web? I guess all those thanks aren't worth sh..

Avatar for deogol

Nope, they're not.

Avatar for sclvr5005

"The main difference is that on Stripperweb the dancers attack the customers. Here on TUSCL the customers attack anything that moves."

Bahaha....lopaw you kill me

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