
Bachelor parties--the upside

Friday, April 7, 2006 1:00 PM
I am starting a new thread due to my technical incompetence, since it really applies to a recent thread about bachelor parties--which I don't know how to access, since it has "dropped off" this page. As I said on that thread, I really hate being in a club while a bachelor party is going on. However, there is one "upside," at least at a club I was at recently for a rare weekend visit. While back in VIP, the dancers did not count the "bachelor party show" in calculating dances (nor do I see any way that they could do so). Each bachelor party featured about seven to minutes of dj moderated on-stage persecution of the bachelor, and if you happened to be lucky enough to be in VIP while that was going on, and it occurred between two songs (as occurred to me twice), you got a long "free period." The dancers just continued to "dance" to the music that was being played while the on-stage dancers went after the bachelor. Given the price of dances at this club, this was a bonus of considerable value, and there seemed to be a bachelor party about every half hour, so the odds were on your side.


  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking when I saw the topic. (This has happened to me before too.)
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Better late than never. Again?
  • troop
    13 years ago
    looks like i might have to add another spammer to ignore, eh cabbyjim.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Cool, I'll have to remember that on weekends.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    The few times I've stumbled upon bachelor parties at clubs it usually sucked big time and I couldn't leave quickly enough. All the dancers flocked around the large group in desperate hope of making some major bank off of them. The rest of the club sat around watching with few dancers mingling with the rest of us. No thanks.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I recently was at a club during a "getting out of prison" party.
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