Condom falling onto the floor

avatar for domiandray
Ever have a condom slip off your cock after a lapdance? This happens every now and then as it will slide down the side of my leg and either land inside one of my sneakers or just right onto the floor. Sometimes I have to run to the bathroom so that it falls on the floor in the john rather than out in the open inside the club. I don't want the manager or some other sc employee bust me on something like that.


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avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
There is an easy solution for that. Don't wear one.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
"Ever have a condom slip off your cock after a lapdance?"

No. I need a condom for sex. Not for lap dances.

No. I don't have sex in a strip club.

I ain't judging, I'm just answering.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Okay, I'm going to agree 100% with Mr. Shadowcat. And it's one reason I recommend to NOT wear a condom. They end up being more mess than they're worth. If you come in your shorts, commando, with no condom, it's a simple wet spot. But with a condom, too many things can go wrong. You put it on, no hot dancers, your dick goes limp, it's hard to keep in on and fully unwrapped. And when you do get hard, now it's all rolled up so it barely covers the head of your dick. Guaranteed it will fall off on the first butt grind.

So you're sitting in your seat watching the club or whatever, you need to keep checking to see if it's still on right. If not, you gotta reach down inside your shorts and unfurl it again. Pain in the ass.

And when you do get a dance, even if it's on securely, after even a modicum of grinding it's gonna roll up and fall off. But you'll never know. Suddenly you'll see a freakin rolled up condom on the seat between your legs or on the floor.

And then, as you say, after the dance and you've splooged a good one, guaranteed that your dick is going limp pretty soon afterwards, which means the condom, which is already slippery with cum, is going to slide off. So you're always worrying about it.

Dude, just go commando and let it blow. And if you're worried about the manager, don't worry. What, are they gonna bust you for spilling your drink on your shorts? :)
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
By the way, we've already discussed here that if you did cum from a lapdance, the dancer WANTED you to cum. We all know how hard it is to cum from a lapdance, so she had to put some serious mojo into it to make it happen. Don't worry, she won't be surprised, and if she is then it's her fault for doing what she did. And just don't get a dance with her next time.
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
Not on the floor, but on the seat prior to UHM. Just a few weeks ago, the dancer got it on my Ricardo downside up and it popped off. She laughed, I put it on right, and we did it for two songs with her straddling me.
avatar for SuperDude
12 years ago
Once only. Never again.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I've only had a problem with them coming off if she insists of grinding after I've cum. But you learn pretty quickly after the first time to just not let them do that, and nearly all them know the deal themselves, although I do wonder what the ones who want to keep going ate thinking. That you ate going to regenerate that quickly? I mean I know I look young and virile, but please be a bit realistic.

In any case condom preparation and disposal before and after lap dance is the main reason I hate clubs with bathroom trolls. Don't like to get the stuff on my clothes either - just feels icky and can stain. With bathroom trolls becoming more and more standard, however, I am developing some new procedures to deal with the condom disposal after LD that makes you cum problem.

Back in my first few months clubbing I just let it blow and never had an dancers get offended. Most seem quite happy when they do get you off, in fact, I guess they because they know they are about to get paid and if they did get you off excellent chance of repeat business. But some of those smiles suggest that some also just like getting you off because the like getting guys off. The whole badness of the thing, I guess..,
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Really Doug?! Putting on condoms in a club?! Cumming in your pants during a lap dance?!
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I say take the used condom off and throw it up til it sticks to the ceiling
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
the only time i've needed a condom in a sc. is when i get cfs. i do agree with shadow
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Nope. Had a dancer tell me she had a regular that wore one in lap dances but never asked for extras. Did you pick it up or leave it? Went into The lap area in Harem House in INdy once and there was a tampon in the floor. Clean up after yourself.
avatar for PBTC
12 years ago
Thumbtacks work for me.
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
I haven't ever worn one in a club. If I get any extras at all it is usually a HJ. It has been a long time since I came (is that the past tense of cum) during a lap dance. When it happened I did not consider it a big deal. It will dry soon and come out in the next wash. Don't think many people in a club are going to notice a stain on your shorts. It is so dark and there are plenty of drink stains already. Certainly don't see it being worth the effort. If you are doing FS in the back, then that is a different story.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Ok thumbtack them to the ceiling
avatar for steve229
12 years ago

Well, believe it or not, there's a song about that, lol

I do not talk, I am just a rapper
I am just a rapper...
Leave the ad-libs at the door
Because I am just a rapper like the condoms on my floor
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
Whenever I've worn one it was the dancer's job to produce, install and dispose of them.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
damn, that's a lot of effort just to have clean trousers. Why not instead just wear a god damn diaper lol. It absorbs, it moisturizes and its disposable. And a pack is a lot less cheaper than a box of Condoms
avatar for magicrat
12 years ago
The latest I've seen is the dancer removes it, ties it in a knot so it doesn't leak and puts it in her purse for disposal
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Am I the only one that takes a zip-lock baggie with me?
avatar for 59
12 years ago
I've had it happen a couple of times. One was many years ago when I was new to lap dances. I'd popped a couple of times and found it embarassing. So I read on a site like this about the condom thing. Tried it a couple of times and sure enough one girl made me pop but no mess!

Until I went to walk to the rest room. Off it comes and falls to the floor (was wearing shorts, commando). Wouldn't you know it a guy comes by with a broom and sweeps it up like it was an everyday occurence!

That was the last time I "prepared" in advance. I'm quite a bit older now, more seasoned, and take blood pressure medication so unintentional pops like that are a thing of the past.

More recently I go to a club known for extras. We get in the booth and the girl asks me if I want a condom. I figure this is a good sign so say yes. She proceeds to hand me a lubed condom and instructs ME to put it on. I'm not even semi-hard at this point so let's just say it was a slow and messy challenge!

It gets better. She proceeds to give me a hand job and makes me pop. Some sort of germophobe I guess. Then requests that I dispose of the evidence so she doesn't get in trouble. So I head to the rest room and you guessed it it falls off. Fortunately it was kind of quiet, don't think anyone noticed.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@gmd: that's a good idea. With that and some paper towel in there for cleanup, think you can get around the bathroom troll.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Anyone know the name of that really thin bud absorbent paper towel some clubs have? Where you can but it?
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