In the Morning

JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
So you clubbed all night and brought home the girl for some wild OTC sex......its the next day now in the morning how you treat her ?
Juicystyle is to have breakfast made for her and served in the bed so she will feel like a women and that I sharished the night before....
What's your style ?
last commentWow great question! I have a rule "Never bring the girl home, I really do not want them to know where I live!"
But say it was at a hotel or her place. I'd
Roll her over and use my morning wood for good!
Get the shower started for her, help her clean up.
Find the tylonal, she is going to be sore.
Get breakfast somewhere nice.
Drop her off at club so she can pick up her car.
Take the fake cell number she offers, promise to call!
Hope she didn't get my plate, card number along the way.
Pull out before her boy friend shows up.
@StallOut - Too cool. lol.
Step 1) get hacksaw and shovel...
"..its the next day now in the morning how you treat her ?"
I call the cops and hope they will be able to find where she went with my wallet and my car.
I took her to breakfast this morning....
You don't pay them to fuck them. You pay them to leave so that they won't be there in the morning.
The good morning sex is part of the fun!
You must be paying her by the day