Photos of the Columbian prostitute that started the scandal.

avatar for shadowcat
I'd her but not for $800.…


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avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

$800 is relative. Perhaps him spending $800 would be like us spending $80. Not a big deal. But she is doable.
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
I love me some Columbians.
avatar for TonyMontana
13 years ago
She looks like a fine fuck toy.
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
In a heartbeat! I believe in good foreign relationships!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I can understand wanting to fuck her.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I would do her, but not for $800. Maybe the agents meant 800 Columbian pesos (about 50 cents US).
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I would fuck her in a heart beat. has juicebox seen this yet?
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
they agreed to $800 but the drama started because they refused to pay up.
avatar for Cheo_D
13 years ago
Yeah, had he paid up w/o causing a scene nobody would have known. From what I read, they had been very effective in hiding who they really were but once the local police were called because of the dispute, it all came out. Always remember: fix the price for sure FIRST.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
Like I said in a previous post on this topic. Many prostis in poorer counties think all gringos are rich.

Colombian prostis are kind of notorious for trying to suck gringos dry (before somebody comes w/ a comeback, I mean suck them dry of as much $$$ as they can).

Just as many of SCers have been tried to be ROBed when a dancer either gives you a price for one thing and doesn’t deliver or performs for you then after the performance will tell you you owe her some outrageous amount, I would not doubt if these Colombian prostis may have been trying to ROB “the gringos” – it definitely happens and it’s probably more common than here in the U.S.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I love South American women. I would definitely do her, I don't think I would for $800, but a more reasonable price would have me in a heartbeat.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Well I did not know it was legal in Columbia. I suppose the only laws broken were US made guidelines or rules. I believe Mr. Clinton would have wanted in on the action instead of making it public.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
If someone told me $800, I probably wouldn't even visit the strip club. I suppose for high paid people, it would be like a few lap dances to me as far as prices go.
avatar for jackoff
13 years ago
He was a total idiot for letting it happen. BUT He was totally being scammed/robbed. Colombia pussy is top of the line (perfect 10 models)at $250 overnight or LT (10 to 12 hours)on the high side. This girl is ok, but not top of the line by any means, This girl has a lot of conflicting stories about pricing, as she stated she has to pay $250 for her arranger/handler. yet they met at a strip club she doesn't work at. Even if she worked for a service, the cost wouldn't have been over $400 for the night. These guys are experienced mongers and weren't going to get robbed. Just stupid enough to not know how to settle the situation without getting caught. They were probably arrogant assholes though. I honestly can't believe that the information even got out.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
I don't think the whole story has cum out yet. It's unlikely the agent would have agreed to $800. Either he misunderstood or the girl lied. Or he's the new guy and his "friends" told him that was the usual price as a joke. Maybe he was an arrogant prick and thought he could go back on the price. Maybe she's a ROB and thought he wouldn't risk contesting the issue. We may never know.
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
very fuckable, BUT not worth $800. can get much better than that for a lot less anywhere in South America or Mexico.
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