
i want to strip

im 5'10 about 160 brunette about a 7 on the attraction scale i want to be a stipper not just because i really enjoy to dance but because i need the money because im going threw school and have kids.... i have a nice but and small breasts and a out going attiude and a little pudge in the lower abdominal area. i think i stand a chance at an auditon but does anyone have any tips or idea that might help.... i have read to work out and do the best that you can .... but is there anything else? i want to hear all sides if it possible anyone


  • londonguy
    13 years ago
    You're going to get a load of advice here, some of which may be what you want to hear, some of it may not. Stiletto and Daddys Girl will give you some sound advice.
    13 years ago
    Run for Congress! Lifetime pension if you are elected.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    What state are you in? That matters in the audition process. Some places have you audition and other places just give you a job immediately and let you sink or swim. If you are height / weight proportionate and are a seven, you may not have a problem getting hired. Keep in mind that I've seen girls that are carrying around extra weight drop it and look amazing within three months of dancing because the job is great exercise. How much belly fat are we talking about? You may need to choose an outfit wisely. This isn't a deal breaker though considering where you want to work. Not all places have the same criteria. Having nice nails and a spray tan help considerably when you have to audition. Spray tans can help cover imperfections. I'd need more info on where you are located and where you wanted to dance before I could give any more advice
  • pabloantonio
    13 years ago
    Sunflower: You know you are entering an underworld of sex, drugs, and alcohol. Many of your customers will consider you a whore. But the money is good, most of the time.

    It will be difficult to maintain normal relationships with men. You will forever change your life. But, after considering all the consequences, you still want to dance, then good luck.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Welcome to TUSCL, Sunflower!

    Some clubs also have an "amateur night." If any clubs in your area have that, I suggest you attend a few of them. Not all contestants that enter are amateurs. Some are dancers from other clubs, just trying to win the prize money. Others are dancers from other clubs that want to change clubs, and the club management has told them that it is preferred that they participate in the amateur contest to get hired.

    Also, go to some of the clubs in your area, just to see what they're like and what all transpires there. Be sure to go at the time of day you have available to work. The day shift is much different from the night shift in most all clubs.

    Please let us know what you decide! Also, look for a private message (PM) from me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    13 years ago
    Of course looks and having a great body will help a lot in this kind of work.

    But, many girls can change/upgrade their looks dramatically by wearing nice makeup, having their hair done really nice, wearing nice outfits, having a nice sexy tan, etc - you definitely would want to go above and beyond to look your best in this kind of work because often is how you will be judged.

    Along the line of what Stiletto25 said - "You may need to choose an outfit wisely" - I would agree as a guy/customer. You would want to accentuate your good physical qualities (i.e. legs, butt, cleavage, etc) by wearing really sexy outfits that accentuate your strong areas and perhaps "hide" those areas that are not your best. Also, as a guy/customer, the more flesh you show the better, in my opinion. I often hear a lot of dancers tell me "oh don't you think my outfit is cute?" and I'm like "I don't care about cute I like sexy and fleshy" - guys are visual for better or worst but is how we are!

    A girl’s personality and her ability to talk/communicate nicely can also go a long way with many customers. I've had many experiences where I was not necessarily floored by the girl when I first saw her but once we started to talk I would really warm up to them and end up get dances from them which I really enjoyed (which just from looking at her I may not have).

    BEST OF LUCK!!! - and remember to use your brain as well as your body - this is what the most successful dancers do in my opinion.
  • Papi_Chulo
    13 years ago
    With respect to @pabloantonio's comments:

    I respect his opinion. But I would say stripping is like a lot of other things - "you get out of it what you put into it".

    Many dancers that are into the alcohol, drugs, party thing, were probably like that or close to that before they started stripping. Of course, to pabloantonio's point, there are also those dancers that get into this kind of stuff because of the club lifestyle and their peers/fellow-dancers.

    Many girls just see it as a job/business and not a way of life and they make their $$$ and don't get involved with any of the other drama and have normal lives outside the club.

    Just be careful of the pitfalls and try to use stripping and don't let it use you!
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "A girl’s personality and her ability to talk/communicate nicely can also go a long way with many customers. I've had many experiences where I was not necessarily floored by the girl when I first saw her but once we started to talk I would really warm up to them and end up get dances from them which I really enjoyed (which just from looking at her I may not have)"

    I agree with this statement as it reflects my feelings.

    " Many of your customers will consider you a whore. But the money is good, most of the time"

    Depending on the Club you may end up at. You may well face the question of DO I engage in Sexual Extras. In certain Clubs many Dancers engage in these kinds of activity. If you decide not to, your income potential in those types of Clubs may well suffer do to competition with Dancers who do Sexual Extras. Decide your stance on this issue & pick the Club to work at carefully & accordingly.

    Also pay CLOSE attention to what Stiletto25 tells you. She is VERY wise & won't lead you astray.

    Good Luck!
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Listen to Stiletto. About pretty much everything. Based on her comments here over the last few months, if you take her advice and empirical knowledge to heart, you'll do well, and probably manage to avoid embroiling yourself in the worst aspects of the stripper lifestyle.
  • sunflower69
    13 years ago
    i live in pensacola fl
  • sunflower69
    13 years ago
    Im sorry I take that back I want to work in Pensacola I use to live there
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    @georg and alucard- you guys are so sweet.

    @sunflower- I've worked in FL once and it was in the north Miami area. I did alot of research before I went there. Research all the clubs in the area of your choice. Go to them and sit for awhile and if you feel comfortable enough, ask for a manager and inquire about working there. Ask about shifts they offer. Alot of the larger clubs won't let you have your first choice in shifts, especially if you are new. They make you audition and then assign you a shift. Ask the manager about the audition process and ask him or her what might help you get hired. You may not even have to audition. Do not do anything sexual with a manager. Most are professional but you get the occasional sleaze everywhere you go.

    Afterward you get hired, don't get sucked in to some of the crap the girls are into. Drugs, alcohol, screwing managers, etc. You'll go into stripping focused to make money and take care of yourself and six months later you'll have yourself locked in one of the bathroom stalls in the locker room, you'll be sitting on the cold tile with your hands shaking wondering what happened to you and your mojo. Just say no to drugs.

    Last thing ill bring up in this post is confidence. You will get rejected. Who cares. Keep on going. If someone doesn't hire you, try someplace else. Don't get down on yourself
    13 years ago
    sunflower, best of luck, if you want it go for it....

    and, Stiletto is a tremendous resource - as good as it gets....She is everything that is right about this business....
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    25 has a major flaw, at this point. Until she provides me the opportunity to shower riches on her, she will not be at the top. :)
  • how
    13 years ago
    Pensacola clubs have advantages for dancers, in that extras are not normal, so customers won't have such expectations.
    Dancers succeed, I opine, when they are in control of their situations. If you have the confidence to maintain control and avoid potential traps, then you can succeed as a dancer. (That applies to dancers who choose to do extras also.)
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Fucking go do it already
  • sunflower69
    13 years ago
    I have made it to 23 without out doing the heavy stuff meaning other then weed and i am not a heavy drinker and i dont want to start now. I want to make the money. I have spoken about my idea of getting into adult entertainment and i have had alot of negative responses i dont mean on here every one is great but my friends look down on the idea due to the negative affect it would have on my reputation not to mention if my ignorant ex found out he would take me back to court. I dont know if would be great at the job because i can be shy but im a great people person people love my personality but this is something i have always wanted to try.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Sunflower welcome to tuscl. As a former bouncer the only thing i can sugest is to listen to stilletto. And best wishes,luck & most of all Be safe
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Sunflower "69" I'm in love !
  • ilbbaicnl
    13 years ago
    From what I've seen, maybe the hardest thing about being a dancer is that there are a lot of customers who feel some weird compulsion to be obnoxious to the dancers. You have to try to not take it personally, because it really isn't, it's about a personal as someone in the KKK hating everyone who's black. Unfortunately I've never seen a club that does enough to stop this crap.

    Some clubs will let you set your own hours, but most seem to want you to work a particular shift, and to not leave early even it things are dead. Look for a club where it would be possible for you to study and do homework somewhere if things are slow, especially if you have to work inflexible shifts.

    Try not to ever even think about how many guys said no. The girls who's walking out with $500 maybe only got 5 no's, but the girl who's walking out with a grand probably got 50. You have to hear a lot of no's to get those yes'es that get you in the money zone. But as a customer I would advise against going overboard. If a guy says no don't ask again that night. Two "maybe later"s almost always really mean no, the guy just thinks he's sparing your feelings by not just saying no. Sometime "maybe later" means you're not his first choice, but his first choice may not have time for him. Meet his eyes and smile as you're making the rounds, he may surprise you and come over and ask if you still want that dance.
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