So how as the Valentine's trip really...?

avatar for ForceMajeure

I'm interested to hear whether anyone went to a club V Day evening. We've discussed in the past that a couple of the better dancers may be out with their SOs but that the crowds and talent are probably about typical. We've also discussed how there is greater nagging for tips and gifts that night. Those things are not what I'm asking about.

How was the MOOD that night? I have heard that it's the one night a year where the stripper can judge us rather than vice versa because it's 99.9% guaranteed that customers that night have no SO in their life.

In my case, my SO did something on the 13th and I actually did have the night available to visit (0.1%). I decided not to out of my concern of the above. Thoughts? Experiences?


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 yrs ago

I was in a Club on 2/13. Had a Fabulous time.

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

Didn't go.

avatar for bang69
13 yrs ago

Stayed home & saved money

avatar for gatorfan
13 yrs ago

One day a hooker went to file her taxes, and for occupation she put prostitution.

The tax collector explained that prostitution was an illegal occupation.

She said she'd have to go home and think about it and that she'd call him back in a hour with her occupation.

An hour later she called him and said, "I've got it... I'm a chicken farmer."

He said, "How do you get chicken farmer out of prostitution."

She said, "I raised over a thousand cocks last year."

avatar for BadBitchesOnly
13 yrs ago

Very nice GF!

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