
The Pink Site

Hey guys!

I've been spending a lot of time over at the pink site, I wanted to let everyone who doesn't like me here know, they don't like me over there either! LUCKILY, the strippers in real life still like me!



  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Don't worry - we love everyone here, Doc. But a word of advice; Don't spend too much time over there. You will soon learn to loathe and despise strippers. And that's a terrible thing. Unless if course, you want to die a wealthy man.
  • creepshow
    13 years ago
    Yeah the pink site is a dose of reality that cannot be unseen - what strippers really think of their customer base, and what self-centered twats many of them actually are.

    I've steered clear; ignorance is bliss.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @doc.......your a troll like me bro ....I love you man !.......let's get together and have some beers and tits !
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Pink ? What is that ?
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    Is the pink site the actual name? Never checked it out.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    pink site - stripperweb.com
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Yeah, I didn't want to say the name just to save y'all from it, LOL! But I'm a bit of a romantic trying to find good in this business, when all you hear over there is how it's all about getting paid and the money, money, money!! Dude, I'm not saying strippers shouldn't get paid! Hell, I like my favorites being busy and having full purses, but I also like them to love their job and the dancing and teasing they do! They, just don't get that over there.

    But all their bitching and disbelief did, was make me appreciate the dancers I do have more. The dancers I see treat me like a king for a fraction of what the SW members say they should be paid. So, for a few dancers out there, it's not all about the money. There are some who for the price of tips and a few drinks and dances, will spend a slow hour or two chatting with a dreamer, who tells them how beautiful they are inside and out, how he admires their job, and the shit they put up with, let's them do business if they get it, gets his dances and leaves. But to hear them tell it, my story is bullshit and they wouldn't spend an hour with me for less than a $300 VIP, which makes me feel all the more special!

    Anyhow, I'm taking a hiatus from that place, but go if you want to feel better about the way good dancers IRL treat you, because to hear SW tell it, you're just a wallet to drain.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    It was my opinion that anyone who posted their own opinion at the pink site that did not agree with the majority stripper opinion on the site, was attacked or restricted in what they could post. After meeting a number of stuck up strippers or who thought they deserved my money for doing nothing, I never bothered to visit and post. I'm not sadistic but I guess some guys may be and visit anyway. Unless they don't give a f..k anyway.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    IME, the regular posters at stripperweb are no more representative of strippers in general than the regular posters here are of customers in general. In both cases, it's a self selecting population.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @thanks shadow.....
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @doc......I have an atf that's real sweet like that !
  • motorhead
    13 years ago

    Yes, I believe you are correct. 100 percento!

    It don't go over there much anymore. My fragile ego couldn't take it anymore. Was tired of all the talk about "custies" wanting to lick their nipples. Hell, isn't that what strip clubs are for? I would say, for the most part, they do have a command of the King's English. They are articulate and know how to construct complete sentences. The dancers here do a pretty decent job too, but other sites I've visited....OMG, where did they go to school??????
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I know one way some dancers can get some guys to not lick their nipples. Talk about all the germs all the other guys must have put there before your lap dance. That may not work on everyone.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago

    LOL. But I have plan too. I am selective. I only do it with my current ATF and let's just say I make sure I'm her first (and only) customer of the day.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    Some dancers ask me to lick or suck on their nipples so I prefer them to be clean if I do that. Beer helps to do away with worries though. It's been my experience when a dancer wants to play with me, she usually won't ask (except to ask for a dance first) and will just start grabbing my hands or whatever. I actually feel safer (less chance of catching a cold or virus) from her sucking on my fingers or whatever rather than if she were to grab my fingers and stick them wherever she wants to if it involves getting wet. If she obviously has a cold, I don't want my fingers anywhere near her mouth. I suppose some dancers feel the same about getting their nipples sucked on.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    lol, if a dancer says, the last guy who sucked on my nipples had a cold and I haven't washed them yet, I hope I don't get sick. I'll probably avoid her nipples. Of course some other nice guy might offer to suck them clean. Just another reason to drink while in a club. If you think about how many guys were already on the dancer in front of you, you might want to avoid her and never get any dances.
  • canny
    13 years ago
    That's why I'm with motorhead, I make sure I'm first.....
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    I think that everyone should know of the existence of the Pink Site (har, love the name ...) but also should take it with a considerable grain of salt. It's good to read it every now and again, to remind yourself that there are people who are so friggin' negative about strip-club-customers and are also so friggin' capricious and two-faced about their own view of reality. But it's also important to recognize that it attracts a particular type of dancer or commenter, and in a process of self-selection, it tends to foster only of those types of comments that are approved-of by the coterie of man-haters that started and run the place.

    It's not the best way to get a BALANCED view of what ALL dancers are like; but it's not entirely a false view, either.
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    I think of SW as the wrong side of the train tracks. Stay away!
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    they do post hotter pictures than this site LOL
  • jimmyg2341
    13 years ago
    SW will kill the fantasy for you, so if you want to believe that these beautiful women (that you can't get outside of a strip club) are into you....don't read SW!

    Doc...I read a lot of what they said to you over there...they gave you good and accurate info.

    ...as always...ignorance is bliss.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    But who likes you Doc?
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    My IRL $60-$120 strippers who spend a couple hours of their free time getting flattered and sharing stories with me. I seriously doubt spending more money will get me better service. SW strippers makes these girls look like angles.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Also my boss, my dog, and the SC bartender that sells a barrel of whiskey to me every night.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @doc.......and the juicebox man ! I like you ! Fuckin queer !
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    ^^^ That makes no sense at all...
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @deo. .....vvvv. realy !
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Doc, just keep posting over there and they'll love you soon enough. While your first several posts were indeed filled with stuff that the ladies didn't like, they quickly swatted you into line. Your most recent posts were so blatantly intended to suck up that I actually got douche chills reading reading them. Now I wouldn't say that you are now the SW board bitch per se, but... ;)
  • dw.buck
    13 years ago
    SW is nothing more than dancers venting about their unrealistic expectations of what a SC is. first a SC is a customer service industry and most strippers dont realize that, and think its all about them. the dancers need to be on this site trying to figure it out. BTW i got booted from there as well one day i'll go back for the comedy of the dancers whining
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    lol well you sure helped stir things up over there for a bit, Doc.....sometimes ya gotta mix it up over there to help keep the girls on their toes. Unfortunately you ventured over at a time when there seemed to be an unusually high influx of trolls, and I think you got caught in the middle of it.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I visited the site once. Didn't stay long.
  • ilbbaicnl
    13 years ago
    I got kicked off of there for arguing with the MALE customer moderator, not the dancer moderator. I think what it does accurately show is that there is no one personality type that chooses to be a stripper, there is a big range. There are many women who would never do it because of their religious beliefs. But most women don't do it because they're afraid no guy will want to be serious about them and/or the level of contact with customers needed to make decent money is too annoying to them and/or their level of attractiveness makes it difficult to make dececnt money. If there were a website for people who work at Starbucks, it would probably be full of bitchy posts about how working at Starbucks sucks. But it'd be hard to know from that whether the average person working at Starbucks hated their job any more than the average person in general hates their job.
  • ilbbaicnl
    13 years ago
    Hey, product idea, nipple sani-wipes in assorted flavors.
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