My Second Worst SC Nightmare (Help/Advice Required)

avatar for JohnBuford
I had just made a very nice sale and was looking forward to rewarding myself with an afternoon at one of my favorite SC's.I ordered a Heineken,settled in at the bar and who walks in with a gym bag over her shoulder but a close friend of my daughter. Yikes.We made eye contact,both looked away and I got the hell out of there.I sat in the parking lot for 10 minutes trying to collect my thoughts.A little background:this girl is 24,a college grad (VERY good school),the club is 90 minutes from her/my hometown and while she and my daughter were very close when they were in high school (they were cheerleaders together and in the same class),they have drifted apart from each other and although not enemeies, are certainly not as close as they used to be.I hope that is enough information for you guys and gals to tell me what to do here.Do I reach out to her ? Wait for her (highly unlikely) to reach out to me ? Make believe it never happened ? Use a trusted third party to reach out to her ? From a selfish point of view,a club I love is now on a self-administered off-limits list.I am especially interested in what the dancers on this site have to say.Thanks to all in advance for your thoughts and time.


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avatar for Topspin57
13 years ago
Go on back to the club and talk with the girl. There is a reason both of you are at a club that is 90 minutes away from your home. Both want to avoid seeing people from your home town. I am sure that she as well as you want to be anonymous and to relieve your stress (and probably her stress as well) you need to talk about it. Last I knew there is nothing against the law about visiting a stip club.
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
As long as you were just there for a drink it will not look so bad.
I would go back but I would wait for her to make the first move. Since she and your daughter are no longer close, I doubt that she would now want to contact her and admit that she was now working in a strip club and spotted you there.
When I met my son's ex-girlfriend in a local club, I did the same thing you did, i.e. imposed my own moratorium on going to that club. I did, however, talk to her first and we both admitted we'd rather not share the experience with my son. But I've been known to help a few of the other girls in the club with their rent from time to time, so I was less than enthusiastic about letting her know that and just took a powder.

If you're not doing anything questionable, it probably doesn't matter, especially of this is your favorite club, or there's nothing as good in your area.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
Mr. Buford, sir, you are caught between a rock and a very hard place.

You enjoy this hobby.

You are a family man.

I presume that your family is unaware of your pursuit of this hobby and I also presume that you wish your family to remain unaware. It is most likely that this girl was as shocked to see you as you were to see her. Do nothing. Do not go back to that club. Find another club.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
It is your favorite club, keep going. You may not run into her as much as you think.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"Do nothing. Do not go back to that club. Find another club.'

Sage advice from farmerart, I agree whole heartedly...wait, I'm sorry, did you say she was a cheerleader? Well, to hell with it then! I recommend you go back and reach out to her, with both hands, if you know what I mean.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
BTW, what's your worst SC nightmare?
Clearly no concensus thus far.My man Art says stay away and Txtittyfan says to keep it business as usual.No chance it's gonna be the latter.I'm afraid I'm done with this club until I know for certain she's no longer there.@Steve229:I have a big back yard and very often in the off-season the cheeerleading squad would practice there.Oh the impure (and for some of them,illegal) thoughts I would have. :)To answer your question:my worst SC nightmare would be walking into a club and seeing one of my daughters.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Pay her off
avatar for mreef
13 years ago
I would assume his worst SC nightmare would be getting arrested in a strip club raided by police for some infraction of the law (the worst I suppose would be solicitation of prostitution).

I know that is my worst (albeit unlikely) SC nightmare.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
The gymbag girl will get on your daughter's FB page and out you. Of course she will say that she was with a date who wanted to take her to a strip club. She will say how *creepy* it was to see a man she admired as an adult figure at a strip club. You will lose your wife, your house, your job and your mind....or you can go back in there and I'm sure she will understand why you are there - because you're a guy. Chances are she's pretty embarrassed that you saw her there. You can have a very comforting conversation and become good friends in a way that you only dreamed of when she was in your back yard, and it will be legal now. Forget that she's your daughter's age - that's just a coincidence.
@mmdv:Wow.I think you're watching too many movies on "Lifetime."I don't share your sense of Armageddon if I don't talk to her,but thanks for your uhh "different" point of view.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Best to listen to those that HAVE experienced similar events. That said, it sure doesn't mean they will work out the same.

I have met a total of three different dancers in a club that I knew BEFORE I saw them there, and one that we found out we had common friends. Of these, no bad experiences.

I've run into many people (customers and workers, male and female) in clubs that I've know before and of those, also no bad experiences. Of course that doesn't mean that will always the case!
This is why I never go to SCs in my own state.
avatar for Horatius
13 years ago
I would shut it down at that club for a long period of time. Hopefully you have plenty of other choices. The worst thing is you saw her there, you decide to hop to another club. She saw someone she knew at that club, became embarrassed, hopped to a new club and you meet again!
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