
Exit Strategy

Strip Club Nation
I got a string of dances, eight. When finished the stripper tells me we did three more songs then we actually did. She must think I can't count. We argue. I am not up to paying an extra sixty bucks for services not rendered. I could get management involved, but it is like a coin flip, they might side with me or they might side with the ROB. The bitch won't step down and admit she is wrong. She claims 4 dancers did three song sets, but they do two song sets at this particular club, which equals eight. I eye the exit, one bouncer manning the post. Fuck this ROB I say to myself and walk out. She lost alot of money by lying to me. She wanted 220, I was willing to pay 160, and she got nothing. Bitch, I am motherfucking sinclair. You are pretty stupid to play games with the subculture's king of kings.


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I hope you busted her in a club review. That is what I do when I run across a ROB!
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    I haven't run into a ROB yet (fingers crossed). Please make sure you bust her in a review.
  • 10inches
    13 years ago
    I hate the ROBs. dancers that think we can't count. those who promise the sky and deliver nothing. guess they think that we are so hypnotized by pussy that our brain turn to much!!
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    I can believe maybe being one song off. I had one once who was two off, but she was impaired and I talked some sense into her. Three is beyond the pale. And I guess we have royalty here.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Tell em, Sinclair!
  • gillydon
    13 years ago
    If it's someone you've never gotten dances from before or someone who has problems counting, after every dance you can make sure you two have the same count ("it's been 5 dances so far right?")
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Bend her over your knee and spank her !!
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Fuck her
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Always good to know where the emergency exits are.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Great exit strategy.
  • Shamrock211
    13 years ago
    As a bouncer in a club, I run into this all the time. It seems like a large part of the job is tracking down guys who owe a dancer money and getting it for her. In my experience there are 4 reasons this happens:

    1) The dancer is a lying, scheming bitch and regularly does this.
    2) The dancer is dumb as a post and has serious trouble counting without absolute silence and the use of her fingers.
    3) The customer is a broke scumbag who can't pay for services rendered
    4) The customer is a drunken douchebag who has consumed himself to retardation and probably deserves to be taken advantage of

    Its a facet of the job I really hate and the club will always take the dancers side no matter how ridiculous her claims are.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Shamrock: The club doesn't *always* take the dancer's side; I've had instances where club management has believed me. They are *inclined* to take the dancer's side, naturally, because they're likely taking a cut of what she gets, but it's not the certainty you claim.
  • Shamrock211
    13 years ago
    I should've been clearer. The club I currently work at will take the dancer's side no matter what.

    I've worked at other places where management leaned toward toe customer, especially if the dancer has a history of scammy bullshit.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Shamrock: What club is that, so I can be sure to stay away. :)
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    I have had this over-counting thing happen now and then. With a new dancer, I try not to let more than 2 or 3 dances happen without confirming that our count is the same. ROB's routinely think 2 equals 3. I can usually remember the names of 3 songs (except that techno shit) and we can get the count synched before getting into a big hole like 8 equals 11. But, it was probably an 8=11 situation that caused me to adjust my approach on this to begin with.
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