G strings

North Carolina
A dear friend is a stripper in SC. She would love a g string that is breathable. What do all of think about this. Would love the opinion of all you dancers/strippers here on the site.
A dear friend is a stripper in SC. She would love a g string that is breathable. What do all of think about this. Would love the opinion of all you dancers/strippers here on the site.
last commentJust take the damn thing off!
Easier if they go Nude.
Fuck yeah! But here in Indy, "breathable" translates to see-through, which is not allowed. It sucks.
I see a market for gore-tex g strings. Should I contact Victoria's Secret or Cabella's
Breath able g-strings? I think that means cum will leak thru them
After 60+ years I now find out women don't use their noses for breathing?
Beathable g-strings??? who came up with that term. that is funny. haha. Has every pussy been cut-off with oxygen this whole time!!?? The only thing I know that pussy can't live without is Man's cottage cheese.