
Atlanta, GA

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Sunday, June 12, 2011 5:49 PM
I will be in Atlanta this week and any guidance that seasoned members of tuscl could provide would be greatly appreciated. As most around here know, I am not one to casually troll for intel when I can read through the reviews, but the review info. is amazingly thin and dated for many of these clubs. There also seems to be a lot of black clubs in Atlanta. Goldrush and Follies are definitely on my list, but I would take other suggestions as well. I will, of course, be reviewing each club that I visit and would be willing to take a couple for the team if you know of a place that used to be good but you have simply not visited for some time, though some decent intel on a good stop would also be expected in return. Thanks in advance for anything that you can provide.


  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Follies is a good club indeed. shadowcat and I can testify to that.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    vince, He sent me a PM and I gave him the low down.
  • MC404
    13 years ago
    I've been in Atlanta for a couple of years now. I've been to the majority of the clubs here (excluding black clubs.. not my thing) and I recommend follies. Definitely the best in town for mileage, especially during the day. Mardi Gras and Cheetah are full of beautiful women, but limited mileage.. Good luck man, I'm looking forward to reading your reviews.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    And I'll just add that I enjoy Pink Pony (on Corporate Ave) if going at night. It's a relaxing place with comfy club chairs, friendly staff, and some of the most gorgeous girls I've ever set eyes on. There's no action, as air dances rule on the floor and I wouldn't waste my money on the VIP. There's not much hustle for that anyway. If you go to Follies, make it during the day, as the girls are prettier and the LD mileage a lot higher. Ironically, the A-string girls dance during the day at Follies, while the A-string girls don't come out until after dark at the Pony. Different types of operations that each have their strength, depending on what you're seeking. Good luck...
  • petemills
    13 years ago
    The girls are pretty stunning for the most part at Mardi Gras. As to the mileage...you just have to find the right girl, as most aren't as accommodating as the girls at places like Follies and Oasis.
  • 10inches
    13 years ago
    have had very high mileage VIP meetings at Follies and Oasis. Pony has gorgeous girls but no action. Mardi Gras has been okay but hard to find due to the location. Cheetah has the best looking girls but expect to drop much moola just to be there.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    10, You got that right, Mardi Gras is hard to find. From my review. I went to the club on 3/3/11 for the sole purpose of meeting picksydusst82, a new TUSCL poster/dancer. I was not familar with the area and had a hard time finding it. Do not look for Powers Ferry shopping center. Instead look for Wendys and Publix.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    speaking of picksydusst82, where has she been? Last Seen: March 2011
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    sam: Ater meeting me, I guess she had, had all she wanted from TUSCL members. LOL.
  • Timbuck12
    13 years ago
    Follies for daytime, Tattletales for after 9 p.m.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Babes in ATL is ranked on the top 10 list for "Value" - I would read into those reviews.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Wow. Thanks everyone. I will post some reviews after a visit to a few of these places. SC, thanks for taking the time to provide such a detailed pm response.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Aw shucks, shadowcat. Surely you were a perfect gentleman :)
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    I am starting to come to the conclusion that you guys in Atlanta are seriously spoiled. ;)
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    Every post made after shadowcat said he PM'd him is just a pretender to the throne. ;-)
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Thanks everyone again for sharing, especially shadowcat. I was not able to get out as much as I wanted on this trip, but I did make it to a few clubs. Two of them I reviewed: Goldrush and Cheetah. The third, Follies, I did not review. I was not at Follies long enough to form solid opinions on anything. However, I can see what folks mean about day vs. night. I visited after 11PM and the place was packed. Now the girls that I saw were decent looking and it was quite a mixed bunch ethnically, but in over an hour only one girl came by and she was one that I almost immediately knew was not going to be any fun. Frankly, after buring an hour with little to show for it in a place full of guys looking for action and with the girls seemingly glued to the guys that they were already with, I called it quits. My game tends to work better in lower key places. On a final note, I liked Goldrush so much that I visited twice. This no doubt had a lot to do with a very young and beautiful girl who did a fantastic job entertaining me on both nights. ;) Now there may have been gamers at Follies as well, but my chances of getting to that conversation on the night I visited were very low. Heck, with after finding such a great thing at Goldrush on my first night I almost didn't bother going anywhere else, but I ultimately decided to diversify a bit. However, on my last night, I reverted back to the place where my new Atlanta connection was solid. Thanks again all!
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