An honest stripper?

avatar for steve229
I was down to my last dollar bill, so I had pulled out a $20, intending to get change from the bartender next time she came by. Meanwhile I went to the stage to tip this dancer I had my eye on. I guess I got distracted by her nipple rings and slipped a bill into her garter without looking.

I was heading back to my seat when she grabbed me. "Did you mean to tip me a $20", she asked, pointing to her garter. I told her what happened, and we both had a laugh. She hand the 20 back, and I found a $5 in my wallet and gave it to her instead.

So, an "honest" stripper, or just working the long con?


last comment
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I always like how some strippers are honest and upfront about how they never would do any extras or OTC without me even asking. It saves me the hassle of trying them with dances.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
It's about as likely as camel passing through the eye of a needle.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago

Would there have been an upside to giving her the $20?
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
Back in about 1985, I gave a dancer a stage-side tip of $20 during her last dance of the night (right before closing) and it was the best $20 I've ever spent.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
Shit, where I come from $20 tips are a common enough occurrence that the dancer probably wouldn't have thought twice about it, except of course that she would have made sure to swing by after to ask for a dance.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Can't recall a dancer, but a bartender in a club gave me change for $100. I thought I had given her a $10. When I questioned her, she even brought me the $100 to show me. She did get a large tip!
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Honesty gets repeat business. ROB is one time only.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"Would there have been an upside to giving her the $20?"

I thought about it, CT, but it was $10 dance day!
avatar for deogol
14 years ago
Honest ones are out there...
avatar for bodaniels26
14 years ago
as a dancer I hate dishonest girls, ripping customers off just gives the club a bad rep and customers don't come back I am a snitch if I see a girl ripping off a customer or stealing from them I tell management. As for the 20$ I would not have given it back only because I would have assumed you meant to give it to me, but I will ask from now on.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
Late 90's, when I was on a limited budget, would go to Trophy Club to see one dancer, an asian named Lexi. I could only afford 50 a month, cover 5 + drink 4+1, then two dances with Lexi. One time, knowing my budget, because I was a faithful monthly, she let me go under the panty. I had an extra single and gave it to her (as thanks and respect) She gave it back to me and gave me a kiss.
avatar for jester214
14 years ago
Interesting... I honestly wouldn't have said she was "dishonest" in keeping it. She didn't know if you meant to do that or not, and unless you were stumbling down drunk, then that's kind of weird.
avatar for bodaniels26
14 years ago
i would have thought that only because i usually get 20$ dollar tips as do most of the girls at the club i work at
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Which club is that? I need to stay away from there.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Hard to say, but nice to run into, steve229.
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