
Worst day of the week to go clubbing?

Atlanta suburb
Monday, February 14, 2011 4:19 PM
In my opinion Sunday. First of all here in the bible belt 60% of the clubs are closed. Of those that are open, they don't open until much later. 4PM or later and I am a day shift kind of guy. None of my favorite dancers work on Sundays. Seems like the only ones that do work are the fuglies that didn't make any money on Fri & Sat. I also think that a lot of girls are just taking the day off to rest. Of course they could be going to church. LOL. Anyway I avoid Sundays.


  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Monday seems an off day to me. Even so, I don't avoid it. I go when the money, time, and place meet, no matter the day.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Friday and Saturday are the worst to me. I am an evening visitor and hate getting caught up in the weekend crowd. I'll take a slow Monday or Tuesday night over a Friday anyday. The girl to guy ratio is much better and, in that type of environment, more opportunities present themselves.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Shadow - I actually like Sundays, as it provides one of the few daytime visits I can easily do. And it's relaxed; there's not much in the way of surly bouncers walking around and checking on private lapdance rooms, the girls who do come in seem content just to sit and chat without all the hustle, and there's usually no entry fee/valet. All in all, it's one of my favorite times. It's Saturday night that ranks as my least favorite time. I like to be the center of attention of the girls when I'm there, and I prefer a relaxed club setting. Saturday night (and to lesser degree, Friday night) is usually frenetic, and is when all the SC occasionals come out - the young guys on a tear for the weekend, the suburban husbands on a 'guys night out' who act like rabid dogs release from their cages, the silly couples, and finally, the bachelor parties. I especially dislike it when the DJ brings the groom PL up on stage for his 'last dance.' I don't want to see him with his shirt off with three or four girls close around him dancing. It's unpleasant to watch and it keeps the girls from dancing either on stage or for me.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i agree that sunday would probably be a bad night but i mainly try to avoid weekends especially after midnight when all of the amateur drunks are peaking.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Most clubs here do not have a dayshift on sundays only a night shift. The clubs have never been dead when I have gone out on a sunday. For Monday though, I have been the only customer inside the club before around 7pm during their shift change (usually during their shift changes they at least have some overlap).
  • scatterbrain
    13 years ago
    No day is a bad day in a club with friendly ladies. You can always make something out of the worst possible situations. I too, like Rod8432) tend to like it when it's a bit slower (better attention on me) so I usually try to avoid Friday and Saturday nights only because the obnoxious, young, frat-type boys tend to come out and play on those nights.
    13 years ago
    Another angle on the issue is what day/night of the week do the most attempted muggings/shootings occur on? I'd bet it's the bachelor parties at the root of it all...
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I went out to three clubs on super bowl sunday. First one was dead with no dancers, second one had 5 dancers and small crowd who were spendings lots of money wearing football jerseys, the third one was packed standing room only with 24 dancers.
  • jester214
    13 years ago
    I'll jump in with the Friday/Saturday crowd. Though they prolly provide the best eye candy, its usually way to crowded and with so many potential customers quality drops off considerably.
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    Any time you show up and the club is closed. HiLiter in Phx and St James and Treasures in Houston are good on Sunday afternoons. Much less management/bouncer interference and the girls seem friskier.
  • chimark
    13 years ago
    most of the comments I agree with... Monday's are bad after MNF ends... the weekends as many have said are bad, Saturday evenings are a mixed bag... I find that they start out good because there are alot of girls versus late arriving crowd... 7-10pm can be really good, but after that they stink... I'm a hit and miss on Friday evenings... sometimes they can turn really good because girls are hopin to make cash that night and for whatever reason they are striking out... best night by far is thursdays at most clubs......
  • robbing1
    13 years ago
    (On slow weekdays) If you don't like getting too much attention from the dancers OR if you don't like getting asked for LDs too much, then Sat/Fridays are good 'cause you can just sit/stand and check out the A-team girls on those night shifts.
  • Slin
    13 years ago
    Hmmm seems like everyone thinks the opposite of me. I actually feel weird if there is only me and a few other guys in the club. Plus when there's too few customers, that's when I tend to get hit with a million "Hey wanna dance" approaches since the girls don't have as many guys to work. I'm the type of guy that likes to blend into the crowd and just watch the stage show the majority of the time. When I'm ready for a dance, I'll go out of my way to flag down either one of my regular girls or someone who has caught my eye.
  • chimark
    13 years ago
    Slin, I understand your perspective, it depends on your goal.. if you just want to blend in then big crowds are better, if you're lookin for hot lap dances few customers are the best, as girls need money... classic econ 101... supply and demand...
  • robbing1
    13 years ago
    @Slin, that's essentially what I said. There aren't too many people like us though. Everyone else (most PLs) seem to prefer slow weekdays 'cause of higher dancer quality/value. Cheers.
  • robbing1
    13 years ago
    dance quality*, not dancer quality.
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    I've gone a few times during day shifts, but I usually feel like a dirty old man if I'm entering a SC while the sun's still up. ;-) Sunday can be hit-or-miss, IMHO. If you have a fave that *is* working Sunday, you've got a better chance of spending some time with her, as it's often slower than any other day. OTOH, if you don't have a fave, pickings can be kinda slim. I actually went out last night, and it proves my theory. Went to Oasis first - they only had 1 of 3 stages going (are you shittin' me?) and all 4 girls that went up there while I was there really needed to go to Ethiopia and fatten up. Sat there for 45 minutes and never got approached by anyone but the waitress. Sucked so bad, that I walked out and drove to Pink Pony. Much to my delight, the charmingly schizophrenic Rita now works most Sundays and I got to spend over an hour with her. Made my week. I rarely go to *any* club on a Friday or Saturday night. And I wouldn't go someplace like Oasis or PP on a Fri/Sat if you put a gun to my head. If I'm gonna shell out $10 cover, I want to sit down. Call me weird.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    Geez, gatorfan, you just go on and on and on. Get to the point. ;-)
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    I like Tuesdays and Sundays, because the annoying "I don't know how to act in a strip club" people aren't there. Yes, I do mean patrons. The frat-boys-with-four-dollars-to-tip-but-have-to-save-some-for-cab-fare don't tend to show up on Tuesdays and Sundays. On those days or nights, you've got a room full of horny straightforward normal strip-club patrons, dudes who know the score and make sure that they, you, and their buddies get the right kind of access to the girls. (Whatever that kind of access would be, for the club and girl in question.) But I also mean dancers. The annoying "I don't know how to act in a strip club" dancers are'nt around on Tuesdays and Sundays. The newbie clueless can't-figure-out-why-men-don't-want-more-air-dances girls work weekend nights. Thing is, the over-the-hill-desperate-ugly-and-angry girls do work Tuesdays and Sundays because they've figured out specific cash-per-effort ratios. So Tuesdays and Sundays aren't ideal. So, the question is still open. I'm going to say that my "best" part of the week would depend on the club. For a super-glitz ultra-huge club that (a) draws tons of hotties from all around and (b) offers so much extra space that the back-room has plenty of (deliberately) secluded corners for all sorts of extras-activity? I'd say the weekend nights are best -- as long as you can tolerate the elbow-to-elbow crowd and the clouds of cigarette smoke in the air. For girl-next-door conviviality and low-frills conversation with a favorite gal, and then what-not? That might be better on a weekday afternoon if she's working then. Come to think of it, I've never seen a Superbowl live broadcast in a strip club on any day other than Sunday. They gotta work on that ...
  • crecat03
    13 years ago
    Sundays are the worst but maybe that is just because I live in the Bible belt and even a lot of the best dancers observe the sabbath. I personally would like to go on Sunday afternoons because that's the day I have the most free time. Friday and Saturday after midnight is usually too crowded for me, too.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Yoo-hoo, BookGuy! Overall here. Read the topic. "Worst" day to go clubbing? Not best. Concentrate.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Oh gosh, I wonder if dan^3, whose three virtually identical posts all mention this app, has any vested interest in the app.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    christ! now we have a phone shill! :rolleyes: i'll make a note to never using your product dan!
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Monday, after lunch, is the worst. Dead. Nothing. But if you like the attention of dancers hungry for cash, it can be great.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    lol Superdude, isn't that exactly the point? Few guys + lots o' hungry dancers = SCORE ;) Lots o' guys with $$$ + few dancers = bad visit.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    It largely depends on when your faves don't work. I know one of my faves doesn't work on Mondays, thus Mondays are the worst. As for just randomly visiting a club, I'd have to think Sundays are the worst. I went to one of the clubs I visit regularly on Sunday once recently and there was hardly any dancers there and none of them were anyone I like getting dances from.
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