Skanky whores of Detroit

avatar for xpando
Some of you might have the opinion that freewheeling extras scene in Detroit is and endless BBBJ theme park adventure.

But one of the consequences of this permissive culture is that it has attracted the skankyest whores imaginable into all the clubs. There are still a few lookers around, but skanks are abounding.

I went into the Hustler club the other afternoon and saw 1 pretty girl - already with a customer; other than that it was caked on make-up, stupid looking outfits, two really too-old whores. Waldo did not respond and I left after a beer.

The Flight club can be much the same, especially on day shift.


last comment
avatar for TommyMoney
14 years ago
Point taken... but who the fuck is Waldo?
avatar for TommyMoney
14 years ago
Ah, nevermind, fuckit. Just be happy ya found him...
avatar for Alucard
14 years ago
I'll repeat it again. It PAYS to cultivate a ATF! You then can avoid the Skanks if you so wish to.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
A year ago one of the infotaiment programs broadcast interviews with women who were receptionists, computer operators, lawyers and teachers who had been laid off and were turning to dancing in clubs to supplement unemployment. A lot of unattractive women are crashing the ranks of dancers in Detroit. Club managers are glad to collect the tip out, when they can, even if these skanks may be driving away the regular customer base. Some dancers get in because the hidden owners tell the managers who to hire. (We need to do some favors.) Some of the ugliest dancers in Detroit are off duty cops.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
The reason I go to strip clubs is to see attractive girls, and I don't spend my money on skanks. But I still find plenty of lookers in Detroit clubs. The Penthouse always has dancers who are worth spending cash on.

The economic problems of the country and Detroit have had one good effect. Almost all the girls will suck dick in order to make ends meet.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Here in Columbus, it is not extras friendly and lap dances are $30-50, but this city has more fuglies than Detroit does!

Also Penthouse has some fine looking babes - you should check that place out. Flight Club used to be the hot spot in town until Penthouse opened up. Also some good eye candy at subi's.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
And they will be working for extras on St. Valentine's Day.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"Skanky whores of Detroit"

Isn't that the new reality show on Bravo?
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Yeah, steve229, I'll be watching it when I can. Nothing like a skanky whore to shrivel up "Waldo" When they "Wanna dance" ?? "Waldo" goes into hiding. That club I went to in Seattle had its' share. Fortunately there were a few fine ones to revive "Waldo"
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
St valentine's day falls on a Monday this year. I doubt it get busy at the clubs.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
I'm willing to wade through the talent at one club vs. another. Just wish the drink hustle factor by the staff would be less.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Several clubs had a drink special "buckets of beer" for $20. Maybe they think if you are drunk you will find their skanks to be more attractive.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
One man's skanky whore is another man's afternoon delight...
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
ahh the wise words of georgmicrodong
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
True, true, george. I enjoyed the company of one mighty fine "skank" yesterday. I'm sure shadowcat, gridget, and Avalon talked about me afterwards, but oh well. If you met a "skank" as fine as Gwen, I bet you wouldn't turn her down either.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i can take xpando's post and substitute cleveland instead of detroit and pretty much word for word say the same thing applies.
(although the extras quoitent is most likely lower in cleveland, there are more than our share of skanks)
avatar for judyjudy
14 years ago
I can tell you this....2 weeks ago I tried to get in at Henry's, both of them and bogarts as well and I was told that I could come in but they had too many dancers already. In fact at Henry's the guy told me they had 18 on site for the day shift
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
vince, since Gwen took care of you and Bob and Henry, I think that she owes me a commission. LOL...
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Check is in the mail!!!!
avatar for heshootsandscores
14 years ago
BJ at Bogarts ..check, BJ at Flight Club.....check, BJ at Penthouse Club ....check, BJ at Landing Strip ....check. I guess it is the most wonderful place in the world.
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