
just started part-time and AM SORE!!! any advice?

hey ladies.. due to some unexpected expenses (my dog had emergency surgery this new years) we are dead broke, so i started dancing last week, part-time.

i am extremely sore and tired! i don't nap, i have a day job (self-employed at a business that is doing terrible in this economy), and need any advice i can get. i took a vitamin last night, stretch A LOT, etc. help!! thanks!!


  • judyjudy
    14 years ago
    Try doing more of a sensual routine in stead of a high energy type dance........
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I am sure you will get a lot of offers to massage you but for a more serious answer go to Stripperweb.com.

    JJ, in an Email TUSCL_Brother was just asking about you. Wanted to know if you were still posting. Got a message for him?
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Consider adding some Leucine and D-Ribose to your diet, 2500 mg of each in some kind of protein shake is easiest. This will help somewhat with the soreness until your muscles build up.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Potassium is great for muscle soreness. Bananas are great. Sometimes though, it just takes time for muscles to get used to new activities.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    wb judyjudy, are you still dancing?
  • judyjudy
    14 years ago
    Shadow.....please tell Brother I say hi.
    VM- haven't been out in a little while but I can tell it won't be long. Was tough during the holidays. Spoke with management at both the Henry's and Bogarts as well and all 3 have told me I am welcome anytime. It feels good that they will welcome me back with just a phone call........well I have taken care of Don in the past so I try to make his decisions easy!!!!!!
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    Hello, Picksydusst!

    It's nice to have a female participating on these forums. Actually, there are only 2 or 3 that post here sometimes. The rest of the members are all men.

    For practical advice regarding dancing and stripping, you may want to try the forums at StripperWeb.com. That is a forum which is mostly women who might be able to help you more than we can.

    I would still suggest you visit these boards, though. The two websites have very different 'cultures' and it would be good for you to know both sides/perspectives.
    14 years ago
    picksydusst82: Happy lapping. Hope you find a club where the patrons are rich, generous, and well-mannered!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    where are you from? I will come and give you free massages... in fact I will pay you to give you massage!
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    thank you so much ladies!!!! i'm in atlanta, dancing at a club my girlfriend has been at for many years and loves it (has regulars, etc) but man.. i was NOT ready for the soreness. my body feels like i ran a 5k marathon lol.

    i used to be a cheerleader so i stretch a lot anyways, today i feel a bit better but dancing on a broken toe is NO FUN! DON'T BREAK TOES lol!

    samsung1: BRING IT ON lol!!!!!
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    digitech- i just signed up there and saw a newbie part on the forum, THANK YOU!!!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I could get crass with an answer here, but won't. Would hate to chase away one of our few ladies. Welcome aboard.

  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "i used to be a cheerleader"

    Oh, my...do you have any picutures of yourself in your cheerleader outfit that you could post?
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    LOL, steve229
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    Ha I do but I'd have to scan them and they aren't too "sexy" as I went to a private school and skirts had to be no shorter than your fingertips lol.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    For those of you that don't check all of the reviews.

    Mardi Gras Lounge Reviews

    January 10, 2011
    Visited on: Friday Evening
    Dancers on Shift: 25-99

    Physical Club: 9
    Dancer Quality: 9
    $ Value: 9
    Overall : 9.00i work there, and after being/visiting all the clubs in atlanta, i love it there. the girls aren't as catty, we'll work with you on prices, and after the "review" where all the girls get on the main stage, you get 2 for 1 dances!

    dances are $10 a song, and we get fully nude. 3 dances per girl when we are on stage, and we KNOW HOW TO DANCE!! poles on each stage (4 stages, and 1 bar stage), and honestly, out of all the places i have visited, the girls here are the truest, nicest of them all.

    come on in and visit us! we have a variety of girls- tattooed, skinny, HOT, thicker, whatever suits your style!

    Sorry, I don't share your enthusiasm for this club. Switch to Follies and I'll look you up.
  • GoVikings
    14 years ago
    picksydusst82, is that you in your avatar?
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    Yes that's me- I hid my face due to by day job...
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    Shadowcat- I heard good n bad on follies but ill check it out one day :) that is if I ever get a free second in life! Lol
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Ahh, but picksy in your review you said that you had visited all Atlanta clubs. Did you really mean all 43 of them? If so, you are way ahead of me.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Never thought steve would ask that question!
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    Pinkpony north n south, cheetah and mardin,,,4 :)
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    Rypo meant four lol
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    *typo... Sorry I use a blkberry to post a lost and the keys are teeny!
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    14 years ago
    "Yes that's me- I hid my face due to by day job..."

    Phew! I worried I had witnessed the outcome of a genetic cross between a beautiful woman and a dark, geometric figure...
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    ctqwerty- lol... i have a Facebook that shows my face i just started that is a "fake" one for dancing if you want to see.... message me :)
  • picksydusst82
    14 years ago
    also... to all, i typically use the blkberry when i wake up bc i get up at around 7am for day job so if you see typos and such... sorry! i swear i'm not a dummy (i hope!)
  • troop
    14 years ago
    well the best thing for soreness is rest. obviously when dancing you're using different muscles than you normally use. even though i work out and do motion excercizes i have soreness every time i water ski for the 1st time during the summer because i'm using muscles that don't normally use every day. you will build up those muscles after awhile and you won't be sore anymore or as sore but it will take some time. taking a vitamin won't help at all except maybe as a placebo effect.

    oh, and welcome to tuscl :)
    it's good to see you participating ;)
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I like CL's my fav kinda gals.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I like CL's my fav kinda gals.
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    picksydusst82 welcome to tuscl - soreness drink plenty of liquids gatorade is good but water is even better. if you drink alcohol that will really mess your muscles up
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