
Iran: Death Sentence to Canadian Man for Running Porn Site

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 2:45 AM
Canada is "deeply concerned" over a reported death sentence given to an Iranian-born Canadian for allegedly designing an adult website, an official has said. Saeed Malekpour was convicted in Iran of designing and moderating adult sites, according to a campaign run by the 35-year-old's supporters. Canada's foreign ministry said the legal process was highly questionable. Mr Malekpour, 35, has reportedly been detained in Iran since 2008. "Canada remains deeply concerned by the continued flagrant disregard of the Iranian authorities for the rights of Iranians," said Alain Cacchione, a spokesman for Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon. He added: "This appears to be another case in which someone in Iran is facing a death sentence after a highly questionable process." 'Insulting Islam' Mr Malekpour was convicted of designing and moderating adult websites, "agitation against the regime" in Tehran and "insulting the sanctity of Islam", according to the Campaign for Release of Saeed Malekpour. The campaign says the Iranian-born Canadian worked as a freelance website developer and created a software program that allowed designers to upload photos to their websites. That software was then used, without Mr Malekpour's knowledge, for the creation of an adult website, the support site says. Mr Malekpour moved to Canada in 2004 but was arrested in Iran in 2008 during a trip to visit his father. He was sentenced to death on Saturday, according the campaign's website. [view link]


  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Man am I glad to live in the USA. Oh wait, we can get in trouble for running porn sites here too...unless you live in like one or two places in the US. At least we dont have a death sentence for porn! USA USA USA!!!!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Let's just nuke Iran.
  • ztrzi2000
    14 years ago
    I agree with Prim0. Whenever I get a little upset at conservative regulation here in the United States of America, all I need is to look to Asia, Africa, or the Middle East to see how things could be much worse. I do not consider myself to be patriotic, but when I was coming back home from a trip abroad, a friend of mine and I felt compelled to sing "The Star Spangled Banner" together as we saw the flag at the airport as we were landing. America is not perfect by a long shot, but I would count us as in a better situation than most of the world. Agreed, Prim0. Go America.
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    Perhaps Canada can issue more memos to save this man's life. Maybe the UN can have a vote too. It was stupid of him to return there to begin with. Just like it was stupid of those American hikers to walk the border (not surprised to learn they were from California.)
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Whenever I get a little upset at conservative regulation here in the United States of America, all I need is to look to Asia, Africa, or the Middle East to see how things could be much worse." Actually, many parts of Asia (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and the Philippines) aren't that bad when it comes to their official tolerance of at least prostitution.
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