
Rub parlours the problem: Strip club owners

Saturday, November 27, 2010 5:59 AM
Toronto strip club owners say they run a clean operation and claim their colleagues in the massage parlour business may be ruining it for all adult trade workers. Members of the Adult Entertainment Association of Canada is in the process of hiring a private firm to conduct a “security audit” of Toronto massage parlours to research the hiring and treatment of women. They hope to have a report compiled within a month describing how those women are treated, according to its officials. The association is having its annual meeting on Saturday at the House of Lancaster to launch a campaign to show they don't hire dancers who are in Canada illegally or victims of trafficking rings as alleged by Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, who has ordered the RCMP to investigate. The owners blame the owners of massage parlours of not checking the status of their masseurs or if they've been trafficked into Canada. A number of massage parlour operators refused to comment when contacted on Friday. Association spokesman Tim Lambrinos said his officials are interviewing security firms next week for the audit. “They will be conducting a security audit of massage parlours,” Lambrinos said Friday. “Massage parlours will be visited and evaluated as part of the research.” He said Toronto club owners will now ask each dancer being hired if they're victims of a trafficking ring. The dancers will also be given a form to fill out and a toll-free number to call if they have any difficulties. He said Toronto club owners are experiencing an increase in undercover cops frequenting their clubs in search of dancers being mistreated. Lambrinos said club owners don't want a return of 1989, when a police undercover operation called Project Almonzo raided dozens of clubs and arrested more than 350 strippers on immigration and other violations. All the charges were dismissed when the cases went to court. [view link]


    14 years ago
    They arrested 350 and all charges were dismissed?! I'm guessing the judge is a frequent visitor of The Cannonball Cabaret...
  • trojangreg
    14 years ago
    Where can I sign up to visit and evaluate? Now let's see the strip clubs are going to have someone do a security audit on the massage parlours for them. I guarantee the outcome is that the massage parlours are the problem. How ludicrous is this? Of course whoever the strip clubs hire will point the finger at the massage parlours and away from the strip clubs.
  • MondoGoGo
    14 years ago
    Never been to a massage parlor personally. I tend to lean towards situations that are simple and above board like buying lap dances from young attractive dancers.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I've been tempted to go looking for a massage parlor/whorehouse sometimes, but I'm always put off by stories like this one, and the ones about stings. I'm not really interested in patronizing a potential trafficking organization, and frankly, strip clubs, for reasons elaborated ad nauseum elsewhere, offer me a much easier path to the same end. True, clubs get busted too, but it seems like less often, and most of the things that might get me in trouble don't happen there much after the first time anyway.
  • ztrzi2000
    14 years ago
    I have been to a couple of massage parlors, myself, and I considered going to more, but I decided that I would be happier at strip clubs. Besides the whole moral issue of possible victims of human trafficking and such like that, I do not speak any Asian language, and, in my limited experience, that makes it very difficult or even impossible to have a conversation with a masseuse. So, I might get my money's worth from a massage, and it might cost me much less than similar services from a stripper, but at least with a stripper, I can usually have a conversation, first. Also, I do not think of myself as being very picky when it comes to race, but I still do not find myself attracted to Asians so much, and I have not seen any masseuses that were not Asian.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "I still do not find myself attracted to Asians so much" That sounds like crazy talk, but none the less, I agree with your overall point about being happier at strip clubs. I've always felt that I could explain away a strip club visit as a "guy thing." For example, I prefer that my clubbing not be known at my workplace. But I've heard enough guys joking around at work that if it ever did come out, the reaction would probably be, "Steve, you old dog, you."
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Until I discovered SCs, massage parlours were my chosen sites for "relief". In Canada, the massage parlour business is pervasive and ubiquitous. The draw back is the limited hours of business (it is rare to find a parlour open after 11:00P.M.) and the meagre selection of girls. It is rare to visit a parlour and find more than three girls available for business. Prices are very customer friendly. I have never paid more than C$175 for the full meal deal.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    If you read reviews on some of the Toronto boards you'll see why SCs there feelin "intimidated". For the price of a few LDs you can have similar treatment in a private room with a pretty hot girl who's oiled up nude. I think in the grand scheme of things in Toronto...you start off with SCs...move up to MPs (which are not all asian) then go on to find an Escort. For $200 - $300 you can have one hell of a time with any of these. Here in Cbus, you can't get sh&t for that (by comparison).
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Members of the Adult Entertainment Association of Canada is in the process of hiring a private firm to conduct a 'security audit' of Toronto massage parlours to research the hiring and treatment of women" ...which will go nowhere. Under what authority would the massages places even have to even speak to this private firm?? This is just silly divide-and-conquer nonsense. If there are legitimate human trafficking issues in play in either Ontario massage parlors OR strip clubs, there are likely already laws on the books to deal with those problems. "and I have not seen any masseuses that were not Asian." There are non-Asians all over the place in Ontario massage parlors. They are at least slightly harder to find down here in the States though.
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