Do you try to remember everyone you got dances from?
I was surprised after the night was about over that I spent almost all my cash again. By the way that is a whole lot more fun than having lots of cash left over like my previous weekend. This morning while lying in bed I was trying to remember all the dancers that danced for me. I thought it was only 5 dancers at one club but this evening I remembered one more. Makes me wonder if I forgot someone else. I remember getting table dances from at least 3 dancers at a different club. Sometimes it seems hard to remember. Do you try to remember?
It's stuff like where I parked my car that I can't remember, lol.
I'll second that car story. One night in Toronto I left the club and couldn't even remember what the rental looked like let alone where I parked the damn thing. Cab to hotel and back early the next morning and there was the lonely beast - windshield covered in ads for massage parlours!! Was not in the mood for A.M. "massage"....:)
I suggest you keep of your hobby related expenses and always make it a point to at least find out a dancers name you had lappers with. Get her number if you can. Remember, your spending good money on this. Recording this can help down the line when memory becomes blurred or may start to fade due to the large quantity of women you have enjoyed SC fun with. I maintain a hall of fame of gals I had lots of lappers / good times with. For otc gals I keep detailed records by date, $ paid, number of sessions, etc.
I also keep these records for what I call Indirect (Exploration) for lappers, company, in the club (non extras activities).
Being in the hobby is a considerable lifetime investment and often money which could go for investment or travel is sacrificed. Honor it and these wondreful girls by keeping good records.
1) Let my dick enter their body, oral or otherwise
2) The rip off bitches
Nowadays I get so many dances from different ladies at different clubs that I need a Take-A-Number dispenser at my table.
"Now serving number 16!"
OK, so I can't remember their names (either one of the two), it really doesn't matter because I can't remember which club I was in!
How did we know that already? LOL...ugh...
"For otc gals I keep detailed records by date, $ paid, number of sessions, etc."
Lets hope that you never get caught by LE & then subpoenaed for your records...ugh...
Yes, I do try to remember every dancer who I have ever had a lapdance from.
I often can't remember their names -- I forget stripper names almost instantly. But I can remember all the ones which gave good dances.
It's the rip-offs and boring dances which are easy to forget. Unless the rip off was so bad that it stands out in my mind.