Do you try to remember everyone you got dances from?

avatar for sharkhunter
I was surprised after the night was about over that I spent almost all my cash again. By the way that is a whole lot more fun than having lots of cash left over like my previous weekend. This morning while lying in bed I was trying to remember all the dancers that danced for me. I thought it was only 5 dancers at one club but this evening I remembered one more. Makes me wonder if I forgot someone else. I remember getting table dances from at least 3 dancers at a different club. Sometimes it seems hard to remember. Do you try to remember?


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avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
While in the club, if I see a dancer I will remember if she danced for me. It's after you go home and sleep and forget about your visit, that I forget. There are sometimes dancers you aren't very familiar with that can talk you into a dance and some dancers just look like twins even though they aren't. I'm glad they don't ask me to remember their names. That's probably pretty bad that I have favorites whom I don't know their names. If I heard their stage name, I would likely remember. Away from the club, I will go who is that and will be pretty convincing.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
No, but I usually can remember something if a girl asks me for a dance and I am not interested.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
If I see a dancer in the club, I pretty much always remember if I've gotten a dance from her before, and what it was like.

It's stuff like where I parked my car that I can't remember, lol.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago

I'll second that car story. One night in Toronto I left the club and couldn't even remember what the rental looked like let alone where I parked the damn thing. Cab to hotel and back early the next morning and there was the lonely beast - windshield covered in ads for massage parlours!! Was not in the mood for A.M. "massage"....:)
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
It's not generally very hard for me to remember who danced for me. I usually concentrate on two or three, trying to het phone numbers.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I tend to remember the extremes. The bad ones I don't want to see again and the good ones I do. I think the mediocre ones actually get pushed into the bad ones category. I want good dances for my hard earned money.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Why bother? Do they remember me?
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
I think its important to remember them after all I spent good money, lappers aren't $2 burgers. I keep an excel spreadsheet for all my hobby related activities which is detailed and pw protected. Over the years I still recall certain favs who gave good company / lappers. Contact has been lost on many and one I know of died young (which is common for a lot of them - sad but true).

I suggest you keep of your hobby related expenses and always make it a point to at least find out a dancers name you had lappers with. Get her number if you can. Remember, your spending good money on this. Recording this can help down the line when memory becomes blurred or may start to fade due to the large quantity of women you have enjoyed SC fun with. I maintain a hall of fame of gals I had lots of lappers / good times with. For otc gals I keep detailed records by date, $ paid, number of sessions, etc.
I also keep these records for what I call Indirect (Exploration) for lappers, company, in the club (non extras activities).

Being in the hobby is a considerable lifetime investment and often money which could go for investment or travel is sacrificed. Honor it and these wondreful girls by keeping good records.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i have a pretty good memory so i don't have to try to remember, i remember, the good and the bad.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
Shit, I can't remember a quarter of the strippers I fucked, never mind danced with. You could put them in a lineup and I'd still get it wrong.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
I only remember the ones who:

1) Let my dick enter their body, oral or otherwise

2) The rip off bitches
avatar for scatterbrain
14 years ago
Plyer11...sounds a little obsessive-compulsive, no? Seriously, it's just for that reason (I am really scatterbrained) that I recount as much as possible in my reviews so I can remember next time I'm there. Most of my favorites know who they are. The rest just fill in the cracks.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
I am in the rickdugan camp. If I have trouble remembering what my rental looked like in the parking lot, what possible chance in hell do I have in remembering who has received a visit from my friend, Mr. Wood. I admit to being a slut.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
I can barely remember when I'm reading this topic
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
When I first started clubbing I used to try and remember each and every dancer that I got dances from. Guess it was the novelty and newness of the experiences. It seems so long ago.
Nowadays I get so many dances from different ladies at different clubs that I need a Take-A-Number dispenser at my table.

"Now serving number 16!"
avatar for dallas702
14 years ago
Hey, I can remember every single girl that gave me a lap dance!!!! (Today only) I even found my car in the lot AND remembered how to get to the hwy and home!

OK, so I can't remember their names (either one of the two), it really doesn't matter because I can't remember which club I was in!
avatar for RocStarsky
14 years ago
I write down all the info and SC they are associated with in my black book.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I remember those worth the effort. Most don't stay long enough to bother.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
I am with RocStarsky. If I want to see them again, I write down all the info, names, clubs, schedules, etc., as soon as I leave the club. I will even write their name on a napkin in the club and stick it in my pocket. I helps later when I want to return and follow up. Like Player11 I have lost track of some of my favorites. But yes, I always try to remember. Nothing will kill your chances for getting some quicker than forgetting a beautiful woman's name. I know, it has happened to me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Holy shit! I remember most of them be because there aren't that many anymore; I'm not in rickdugan's league lately. Even when I was, I didn't write shit down. As someone else pointed out in another thread, it ain't *that* important, another one will be along momentarily if the one I remember from last night never shows up again.
avatar for MisterGuy
14 years ago
"I keep an excel spreadsheet for all my hobby related activities which is detailed and pw protected."

How did we know that already? LOL...ugh...

"For otc gals I keep detailed records by date, $ paid, number of sessions, etc."

Lets hope that you never get caught by LE & then subpoenaed for your records...ugh...
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Tonight after falling asleep and logging on here, I remembered seeing one more favorite I had forgotten about. I can't remember if she danced for me a few days ago or not anymore. She probably did. I believe it doesn't help my memory if I get sleepy while in the club. I was starting to doze off a couple of times. I was trying to remember how I spent as much as I did but I guess 7 favorites all showing up the same night in one club will do it. That is if you actually have time to spend with all 7. I think there was yet another that did not find me. I saw her on stage when I first arrived. Glad to know not everyone has spotless memory. It doesn't always make me feel that great when dancers remember my name and I'm wondering what their name is. I'm really bad with names if I don't hear the name all the time.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
Of course, I try to remember everyone, but it's so damn hard to remember everyone when you aren't always sober for the experience. Then they move to another club and then it's impossible.
avatar for Digitech
14 years ago
It's funny that you posted this, because I was just thinking of making the same thing.

Yes, I do try to remember every dancer who I have ever had a lapdance from.

I often can't remember their names -- I forget stripper names almost instantly. But I can remember all the ones which gave good dances.

It's the rip-offs and boring dances which are easy to forget. Unless the rip off was so bad that it stands out in my mind.
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