LOL...that dancer sure knows how to play her customers gmd! I agree with "how"...she was basically runnin' the long con on you. Now you'll have two horny strippers to deal with OTC...ut oh...
"Anybody ever get any freebies from a dancer?"
Sure, many free LDs at the end of many nights from a former ATF while she was waiting for her ride home. Free sex OTC from dancers that I knew pretty well. I'm not sure if the two strippers that I've dated count though as "free", given the emotional nonsense that I had to put up with. It was so "nice" that I did it twice though...ugh...
how: True. A teaser to get me in the door, I guess.
MG: While I guess I don't *exacty* disagree, I'll point out that its only a con if I *don't* get what I was promised. In this case, I absolutely did. :) As for the other, both the new one and MFC don't really compare. With the ATF, she really is horny (well, as far as I can tell, anyway, and as I've posted before, some indicators are awfully hard to fake), whereas these two are more mechanical. Good, but mechanical.
"I'll point out that its only a con if I *don't* get what I was promised."
Maybe...from my perspective, the long con was always about a dancer tricking a customer into giving her what she *really* wanted in the long run (which is usually a LOT money). It certainly remains to be seen whether this particular dancer will get that from you. Just don't think with the little head to much. ;)
From my perspective, I'll be happy to give her money for as long as she gives me what I want, and not a second longer. It's possible that at some point she'll try to get something for nothing. If that happens, well, she'll find that an unprofitable enterprise. I have yet to meet a stripper who could hold a candle to the skills of certain family members when I was growing up. In comparison, they're completely transparent. Knock on wood, I've yet to be taken in by a stripper. Whether that's due to my anti-deception skills or luck, I'll leave as a subject for others to speculate upon. :)
I had an incident years ago where I was at a club. I was just walking around looking for a good place to sit, and a girl confronted me and grabbed my arm. She had offered me a dance on her. I said OK and we proceeded into the back room for a dance. I didn't believe it at first that it was free, cuz I thought someone else paid for it. But, she said it was on her. So, we did the dance and after I took my wallet out to give her a tip. She said, "NO, remember it was on me." Well, I said that "I'm at least gonna give you a tip." She understood and took it. So, after the dance, I went back to the bar to see who could've possibly given me a dance, cuz it was only about a 6 minute departure. I saw no one I knew and I was new to the club at that time. This was about 10 years ago, but have no idea who the girl was. One of my regrets was that I wished I had asked her why it was on her. First, she was hot. Second, we didn't know each other, so it's not like I had a ton of dances from her that finally I got a free one. To this day, I am still confused!!
Not exactly a free sample but rather a free dance. I was in my favorite club and waiting for my ATF (Carter). She was doing a gig in the Champagne Room. She knew I was waiting and came out and offered me $40 to get some dances while I waited. I refused the money. A few minutes later a dude in a suit came over to my table with a dancer. He introduced himself as Eric, the manager and introduced me to the dancer Kitten. I actually already knew Kitten. He said Carter has bought you a dance so just take her to the back and enjoy. I did and enjoyed it. I later found out Eric and Kitten were secretly married.
I got a free tshirt once from a manager who had kept asking me to change tables as large groups of customers came in that night and felt bad about life is so sad.
A Baltimore club is having a "Free Lap Dance Day" this month. Not sure how it works - maybe you get a ticket at the door? Anyway, sure that will bring the cheapskates out in droves. Guess I better get there early.
I had a dancer fuck for free in a club, once. We were back in the VIP rooms and she's dancing, once she saw what a big dick I had, she didn't say anything but pulled her panties aside and sat on me and we fucked. At the end, she didn't ask for anything but the 3 dances we had done, so I consider that a free fuck.
Centerfolds is advertising on the radio about their Wednesday night special of everyone gets a free lap dance. Cover is free for people over 30. Too bad the place is notorious for air dances.
Truly free? Yes, free dances are routine from a few ATF's. Extras during a regular dance at the regular price? Often enough, but totally unpredictable. However, I would say there is one key to making it happen more often if you also accept some downside risk: in a nice way, just ask.
Hmm. I guess I should clarify, since it may not be obvious from the blog entry, but we *did* go to a hotel after that. It was a satisfying session. Not spectacular, but still good enough for what she charged me.
Free drink from the bartender when a dancer said "mind if I have a drink with you." I thought she meant she would buy her own shift drink and hang out for a little bit. Nope. She orders her drink then the bartender looks at me and says "that'll be $12." I'm all "what?" We proceeded to get into an argument about semantics and what she said. I finally said "whatever, I see the hustle now. Didn't realize this club did that." Dancer was indignant. Bartender felt bad for me... mostly because I was a regular and tipped him well. He made her pay for her own drink, then gave me another for free.
I've also gotten freebee extras from dancers I've been a regular for. Usually they were horny and tipsy at the time, and having just as much fun as I was. There were also some dancers that I had ended up getting multiple consecutive dances from and things just kept escalating until we were doing FS... but then they only asked for the cost of the dances, with no mention of a tip (though I always gave a good one if I had the money left).
The more of a trusted regular you are, the more likely you will get some, especially from girls you have already invested time and money with. Obviously, it helps if you aren't repulsive hygiene-wise or looks-wise either.
last comment"Anybody ever get any freebies from a dancer?"
Sure, many free LDs at the end of many nights from a former ATF while she was waiting for her ride home. Free sex OTC from dancers that I knew pretty well. I'm not sure if the two strippers that I've dated count though as "free", given the emotional nonsense that I had to put up with. It was so "nice" that I did it twice though...ugh...
MG: While I guess I don't *exacty* disagree, I'll point out that its only a con if I *don't* get what I was promised. In this case, I absolutely did. :) As for the other, both the new one and MFC don't really compare. With the ATF, she really is horny (well, as far as I can tell, anyway, and as I've posted before, some indicators are awfully hard to fake), whereas these two are more mechanical. Good, but mechanical.
Maybe...from my perspective, the long con was always about a dancer tricking a customer into giving her what she *really* wanted in the long run (which is usually a LOT money). It certainly remains to be seen whether this particular dancer will get that from you. Just don't think with the little head to much. ;)
I've also gotten freebee extras from dancers I've been a regular for. Usually they were horny and tipsy at the time, and having just as much fun as I was. There were also some dancers that I had ended up getting multiple consecutive dances from and things just kept escalating until we were doing FS... but then they only asked for the cost of the dances, with no mention of a tip (though I always gave a good one if I had the money left).
The more of a trusted regular you are, the more likely you will get some, especially from girls you have already invested time and money with. Obviously, it helps if you aren't repulsive hygiene-wise or looks-wise either.