Off topic political rant about politicians leaving messages on my answering mach

avatar for sharkhunter
I'm tired of it. I come home and have half a dozen messages again today. I believe I've listened to recordings from Dick Cheney to Sarah Palin to wives supporting candidates and today a daughter of a candidate. Actually I had trouble understanding what she was saying and was wondering if she actually called my house. Nice female voice even though I couldn't understand hardly anything she said. We need a new do not call list. I would like to be added to a do not call about politics unless you're a hot horny female list.

In other news I did my taxes manually and got a surprise check from the IRS. Apparently I did not read the small print about the Make Work Pay Tax credit (line 63 on the 1040). They snuck that one in on me. I'm glad me paying money to the IRS instead of getting a refund must have raised a red flag on my return. What would have been even nicer is to send out a letter of explanation at the same time instead of making me wait another week. Apparently someone in the government believes I not making much money so they just decided to send me some. Just joking. I'm going to spend it or put it towards something I've been saving for. I take back all those things I said about the IRS sending me a check with a little note saying interest charges may apply if they made a mistake.


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avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
Note: I live in South Carolina and the primary is tommorrow. I don't know if they got my phone number from the phone book or from past primary voting or what. In spite of all the phone messages, I feel like I know less about these group of candidates than in many past elections. All the phone messages turn me off from wanting to go vote for any of them.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Better to listen to the calls and be somewhat informed then go to the polls like many, if not most do, ignorant!
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Those who vote can complain. Those who don't vote have nothing to complain about.

As for the robocalls...I'd be pissed too. I'm willing to bet someone gave them your phone number. The person who used to have my landline, still uses that number at conventions to get stuff. I know because every three months, or so, I'll get a flurry of calls from some group (timeshares, siding, etc.). Wish I'd held on to that bitch's name so I could punch her in the nose for doing that.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I think mitciv lives in south carolina...
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"I don't know if they got my phone number from the phone book or from past primary voting or what."

I think they get your name off lists of people that are registered with a particular political Party or from a list of people that have voted for a particular political Party in the past. You might check with your state's Secretary of State for how you can possibly get your name off of those lists.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
It's over. I voted. I can complain. I didn't see a single newspaper help out with just a simple list of candidates and viewpoints of where they stood on issues. Apparently no newspaper in my local area wanted that challenge. Therefore I voted for some unknowns for smaller offices. Maybe next time the candidates will pay newspapers to run ads on where they stand on issues instead of leaving me a gazillion phone messages that don't tell me anything useful.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
hmmm, the girl who called with the sexy voice saying she was the daughter of one candidate left a phone number to call with any questions. I deleted it without even thinking about it. It was probably a recording anyway. I think it was the phone number of the candidate. I did not want to call him.

It's possible my street has been targeted and everyone's phone number put in a database. I've seen candidates for local city council walking down our street ringing doorbells multiple times. My street must have a lot of people who actually vote. We did fill up city hall when someone tried to rezone some nearby property. Someone could have put a strip club right behind our houses if it had been rezoned. I could have all kinds of strippers lying out in my backyard nude sunning themselves. Can't have that. :)
I have standards. If they lie out in my backyard nude, I want to be there filming it and enjoying it or get something else for free.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Being an informed voter is not easy, but if you want "...viewpoints of where they stood on issues...", they can be found. Just takes a little detective work at times. One thing I do, take a look at the local rag (VERY liberal) and makes sure to never vote for anyone they endorse.
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