
New Drug Spray May Help Premature Ejaculation

Friday, June 4, 2010 12:15 AM
Study Shows Some Improvement for Men Who Use Spray Before Sex June 2, 2010 (San Francisco) -- A quick spray of a new drug may help men who suffer from premature ejaculation last nearly six times longer, new research suggests. The numbers aren't huge. Men who sprayed the head of their penis with PSD502 five minutes before sex lasted an average of just over three minutes after three months of treatment, compared with just over 30 seconds before. Nonetheless, doctors like Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of San Diego Sexual Medicine at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, tell WebMD they're excited because this is the first time a drug is being rigorously tested for men with really serious premature ejaculation problems. Up to 30% of men suffer some degree of premature ejaculation, defined as ejaculation that occurs within one minute of vaginal penetration. It's the No. 1 sexual health problem in men. Premature ejaculation can be devastating for both a man and his partner, triggering anxiety, depression, and relationship problems, says Goldstein, who heard the results presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association. Not all men with premature ejaculation suffer to the same degree as the men in the study, says researcher Ira Sharlip, MD, clinical professor of urology at the University of California, San Francisco. He consults for Shionogi Pharma Inc., which makes the spray and funded the work. "Yet I think a substantial number of [men with premature ejaculation] would use it," he tells WebMD, alternatives being unproven products with names like "Stay Erect" and "Play Longer." At the meeting, Sharlip presented the pooled results of two pivotal studies of PSD502 involving 530 men with premature ejaculation. A total of 358 of the men gave themselves three quick sprays of PSD502 to the head of the penis five minutes before sex and then wiped it off right before penetration. PSD502, which contains two common topical painkillers, lidocaine and prilocaine, is "slightly oily, but not objectionably so," Sharlip says. The rest of the men used a placebo spray. All used the product for three months, for a total of 23,000 doses. Testing the New Drug At the start of the study, the average time from penetration to ejaculation was 36 seconds in both groups. By three months later, the average time was 3.3 minutes in the PSD502 group but still less than one minute in the placebo group. It was a 5.5-fold difference, Sharlip says. A stopwatch held by the man or his partner was used to calculate the times. "Talk about distracting," Goldstein says. "But that's one of the strengths of the study; they got real data, not just men reporting back they think they lasted longer after using the medication," he says. The men getting PSD502 also reported better ejaculatory control and overall satisfaction with their sexual experience than the placebo recipients. [view link]


  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Zoloft 10mgs.
  • mreef
    14 years ago
    I have the opposite problem, it takes me a while to cum. Even my wife gets pissed because she wants a quickie (and she can orgasm quickly with hard fucking), but it takes me a bit longer. I'm actually the one who prefers foreplay (oral, etc), my wife just wants me to stick it in her. I tell her it's due to my frequent masturbation. I suppose if I hadn't had a release in a week I would cum quicker. Same with lap dances, I frequently get hard, but can't imagine ejaculating unless her hand was down my pants or I was getting some serious direct rubbing through my pants. The grinding just gets tiresome and I lose my erection. I guess I prefer the sensual LDs, kissing/sucking on my neck, with her hair/breasts brushing against my face. Love it.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I have been averaging around 6 minutes but when I was taking Lexapro took me much longer. I dropped because of the DE problem.
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    Prozac has a similar effect.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    You know you're a strip club security guy when you own three different pill bottles that could be called, "The Triple V shot:" Vicodin, Viagra, Valtrex.
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