Looking for a particular dancer
North Carolina
I found a website once that I guess was started by dancers to let their customers let them know where they were dancing. Some of these girls move around a lot and when you find a dancer that treats you particularly well, it is nice to be able to find out where she is dancing without going to a bunch of different clubs. Does anyone know of a website like this?
In the past, I've also occasionally wanted to find a stripper who left, but I've mostly gotten over that. Based on experience, for every stripper who "treats you particularly well" and then leaves, there are at least two to take her place who will treat you just as well, if not better.
Sure, once in a while, there's going to be a "favorite", but chances are, if she's gotten to that level, you're going to have made other contact arrangements anyway, so you won't have to worry about her changing clubs.