Dancer arm pit odor

South Carolina
Yesterday I decided to stop in at my favorite club for happy hour. I made sure that I went home to shower and put on a clean set of clothes before heading to the club, which is my standard operating procedure. As I sat down and was enjoying my first drink, a skinny little dancer came up behind from where I was sitting and jumped into my lap, putting her arm around my neck. If you can picture this, her arm pit was on my left shoulder. As she was giving me the usual pitch, I noticed a distinct and strong body odor coming from her arm pit. I quickly explained that I was waiting for another dancer and she moved on. The problem was that my clean shirt now was inundated with her body odor. It was like that Seinfeld episode when the parking valet left his body odor in Jerry's car. It seemed to get stronger as minutes passed, so I realized that my only recourse was to leave. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I been a strip club veteran for over 20 years and this is a first for me.
Happened twice to me, which is why the rent season 28th-31st, 1st-4th, is off limits for me. I go to SC's between the 5th and 25th.
I agree there should be showers - even a communal shower would be better than nothing after four hours of dancing in a hot club! but the reality of the situation is that all we really can do is make sure we're freshening up every hour or so, because SC establishments are tight with their money.
@F_D That's sounds surprising I don't see how an SC could realistically hope to stay in buisness if the dancers are not being properly maintained while on their shift. A shower should be standard at an SC; especially the SC that function as brothels